
It should be noted that Japan, which trends in Egypt

North Africa, agricultural burning agricultural burning demonstrations against the dictatorship in the Middle East, and Masashi Ou (Liaoyuan) is spreading like fire.Tunisia, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Algeria, Yemen, Iran, Morocco. Facebook used to organize demonstrations and the people, by the government to monitor dissident at a time. On the other hand it is made clear that the power of the network society, after defeating the government, but not see or liquidate if Naka Naka.
And destabilize the Middle East and North Africa region through rapidly as it comes out where the various effects. One is oil. Already, New York WTI (West Texas Intermediate: oil prices are an indicator of global attention) seed oil market is approaching 100 dollars a barrel. In London, Brent North Sea broke through 110 U.S. dollars.
● What oil crisis again
But the market after all those changes (that reached 100 dollars a few years ago in New York), this is such a change and think of different nature. The problem is, as shown in the report that the refinery shut down some operations in Libya, but to stop the political turmoil in oil production or shipment. Libya to stop functioning if the oil-producing countries of the world's eighth largest, and the world may experience panic and line up like the oil shocks of the past.
The so-called first oil shock, in the wake of the Yom Kippur War took place in 1973 and gradually increase the oil-producing countries of the Persian Gulf oil, reduce production occurred due to the embargo took a more pro-Israel countries It was taken by the United curb aggregate demand, the inflation rate was to be accompanied by a rise in energy prices. The second oil shock in 1979. That led to Iran's Islamic revolution against Parebi dynasty. Iran has suspended production of large oil-producing countries, tight supply and demand in Japan was buying large quantities of crude oil from Iran (Hippaku) was to be.
All you need to focus on Iran's case, pro-American regime and the regime before the revolution, and later became anti-American revolution is that (ironically for the United States and Iran in the Middle East and North Africa has become the most democratic country.) There were massive anti-government demonstrations in the capital Tehran, Iran, enough power to overthrow the regime does not. Have been active dissidents have also demonstrated around the 2009 presidential election, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is reelected. Support of local farmers around the current president is strong.
Iran and Egypt as if, if that be the anti-American government from the pro-American government, is an important one for the United States. Energy is not the problem, because Israel has signed peace treaties with Egypt. The following parties take power if it comes to Islamic fundamentalist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood for example, will jeopardize the peace treaty with Israel is not just anti-American, the Middle East situation is worsening at a stretch.
If we look at trends in Egypt, but at first, but protesters were pressuring the police look like attacks on the dissident forces Mubarak supporters, was to calm down the situation. Now has the military seized power temporarily, and are preparing to connect the next administration. Anti-government activities began long before this time, President Hosni Mubarak and the military was engaged in a struggle behind the scenes on issues surrounding the transition. And the military is using the group mainly young people looking for democracy, which succeeded in holding the reins of power transition. The U.S. military has succeeded in this transition, while incorporating the requirements of democratic groups, are expecting the birth of a stable pro-American government in the election. Optimism is still not permitted, so far "of Iran," I think that is higher might be avoided (it passed the warships of Iran the Suez Canal after, whether it leads to that change of attitude in Egypt point is worrisome.)
● focus on developments in Egypt
Another focus will Saudi Arabia. What to say, the biggest oil producing country at the same time, the Saudi royal family is a powerful pro-American. Saudi war on Iraq without the cooperation of the Gulf War it was impossible to even begin. Saudi democracy means just that far behind. But the Saudi royal family, the popular discontent Yawaragerubeku, social revolution has begun, something that the royal family to join forces to overthrow the opposition is unlikely to happen soon.Depending on trends in other Arab countries still might emerge again the question of pro-American stance Teru Yasushi far as the Saudi royal family ever.
Right now, we must pay attention to what seems to be the trend in Japan in Egypt.Even though many, because Egypt is the largest Shino Shigeru whether to stabilize the Middle East.
90 Japan's dependence on Middle East oil has reached Anyway% be surprised too.Time of the Gulf War, the early 1990s that is why about 70% to 90% dependence on Middle East was also what was. METI has been thinking about what energy security.Even though the risk is that the principles of risk management, distributed or had forgotten it, too.
Russia has already, in anticipation of a tight energy supply and demand, the energy went to Europe to negotiate Putin (Russia's official reason the EU and Russia, the WTO and trade issues of membership issues.) Europe and Russia over natural gas is severely at odds, Europe was moving in the direction of lowering the dependence on Russia. But it was the trump card over North Africa, North Africa and the instability of the composition would knock the bottom out of those in Europe. Putin is exploiting that opening. Energy is now negotiating with Russia because a very strong position.
If you want to hurry if the diversification of energy sources that Japan is the leading candidate for Russia. In fact, the development of Sakhalin were also joined by Japanese companies. If that happens in Japan with Prime Minister Putin must 渡Ri合Wanakere sturdy. But in the Far East, China and Russia, there is a gas guzzling energy as crude oil and 引Ki取Ri手. In that sense, Japan is not much off bills.Moreover Minsyutou poor diplomacy. "Heinous act of violence" in word only, such as Kan and ballsy that Putin would have been hand tweaked Monaku also a black belt in judo, is unfortunately clear. [Huzita Masami, Business Media, Makoto;



 これだけ急激に北アフリカから中東にかけての地域が不安定化すると、さまざまなところに影響が出てくる。1つは石油だ。すでにニューヨークのWTI(West Texas Intermediate:世界的に注目される原油価格の指標)の油種相場は1バレル100ドルに近づきつつある。ロンドンでは北海ブレントが110ドルを突破した。












 日本がもしエネルギー源の多様化を急ごうと思えば、その有力な候補はロシアだ。実際、サハリンでの開発には日本企業も参加していた。そうなれば日本はしたたかなプーチン首相と渡り合わなければならない。しかし極東地域では、ロシアには原油やガスの引き取り手としてエネルギーをがぶ飲みする中国が存在する。その意味で、日本が切れる札はそれほど多くない。しかも民主党は外交下手。「許し難い暴挙」などと言葉だけは威勢のいい菅首相では柔道の黒帯でもあるプーチンに手もなくひねられてしまうことは、残念ながらはっきりしている。【藤田正美,Business Media 誠】

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