
Christina Aguilera, the industry's troubled super fat! Divorce Stress? Or pregnancy?

The buzz that stubborn fat with singer Christina Aguilera. Not to mention debut, Aguilera had maintained a slim figure after giving birth in 2008. But it has so recently Rino Hutoshi quite impressive, and even gossip magazine has reported the theory and pregnancy.
The first was a hot topic of intense fat Aguilera, burlesque film starring [that] when the last performance at the American Music Awards will be published. The very first time that 変Bou, a gossip magazine, "I pregnant?" About rumors that shed. But Aguilera has revealed that it is in talks before the divorce and her husband Jordan January Burattoman it is also unlikely that with pregnancy at this time.
Aguilera, but does not mention anything about the rumors of pregnancy, when the ceremony appeared in the 68th Golden Globe Awards the other day, rather than returning to its original form, but progresses more intense fat and, even more big topic on the Internet. Aguilera has yet to announce anything about these comments are, in theory as well as gossip magazines, pregnancy, stress "due to divorce" and "for parenting time to be out longer exercise the" rumors and theories are, and how the truth? Absolutely right to be returned to a slim figure, but like I say before, a sudden change many fans seem to remember the confusion.




 アギレラは、妊娠のうわさについて何も言及していないが、先日第68回ゴールデン・グローブ賞の授賞式に姿を現した際は、元の体形に戻っているどころか、さらに激太りが進行しており、ネット上でもさらに大きな話題に。アギレラはこのことについて何のコメントも発表していないが、ゴシップ誌などでは妊娠説のほか、「離婚によるストレス」や「子育てのため、運動する時間が取れなくなった」などの諸説がささやかれており、真実やいかに? 以前のようなスリムな体形に戻ることが絶対的に正しいとはいわないものの、突然の変化には戸惑いを覚えているファンも多い様子だ。

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