
"Skype" at fault, "shared.xml" to deal with deletion

Skype is in Luxembourg on May 26 2011, IP telephony service "Skype" has failed, the state had announced that some users can not sign in and talk. Can identify the problem and have already made ​​the recovery.

Skype says that users are not much affected by the disorder. In addition, many of them that it Skype for Windows users of the application.

Users can be taken as a measure at this time, Skype is "shared.xml" to remove the file called Skype to introduce steps to restart the application. The file locations vary by OS, would like more information, see Web site.

Append 27 5 ※ (japan.internet.com Editorial): Skype is a failure to deal with this, Windows PC's IP telephony applications for "Skype 5.3 for Windows" modified version "" was released.


ルクセンブルク Skype は2011年5月26日、IP 電話サービス「Skype」で障害が発生し、一部ユーザーのサインインと通話ができない状態になったと発表した。すでに問題を特定できており、復旧作業を 行っている。

Skype によると、障害の影響を受けているユーザーは多くない。また、その多くが Windows 向け Skype アプリケーションの利用者だという。

現時点でユーザーがとれる対策として、Skype は「shared.xml」というファイルを削除してから Skype アプリケーションを再起動する手順を紹介している。同ファイルの保存場所は OS によって異なるため、詳細は Web サイトで確認されたい。

※5月27日追記(japan.internet.com 編集部):Skype はこの障害に対処するためとして、Windows パソコン向け IP 電話アプリケーション「Skype 5.3 for Windows」の修正版「」をリリースした。

8 patterns of men feel a sense of intimacy blunder woman

And women before a wonderful thing to want a man with a habit of brackets attached. But, in fact, a little goofy, "clunker of men" to see if the women are "intimate" is to remember that in many cases. In this study, based on a survey of women readers Otomesugoren "pattern of male klutz 9 women feel an affinity with" Introducing the.

[1] and I can not eat hot food, drink something hot, "Oh cramp!" When surprised.
"I could not wait to feel cool, cute little" (women in their 20s) and forgot his weakness is susceptible to hot stuff "that alert feeling" is that women feel a sense of intimacy. However, with care not to burn your tongue on something hot too challenging.

[2] when I've turned over a voice during a conversation with excitement.
"They laughed when the topic is serious. I then face the awkward" (women in their 20s), including falsetto crazy while I'm talking seriously, as reflected in a pretty fail It is. More to follow by force, although it is embarrassing to the correct answer honestly.

[3] Even though the intellectual type, it was uncertain when the order is written in Chinese characters.
"Look at the hand movements to write a letter," Huh Huh? (Laughs) "I will" (women in their 30s), including without careful not to care "mistake by writing", is a fine woman is stupid it makes me feel so relaxed. Advanced clunker may assume that the right to write Chinese characters.

[4] was walking in a dignified manner, when tripped.
"Seeing that nowhere in the fall, why? Cute while thinking" (teenage girls) as the opinion that, speaking of classic clunker "moss" is. I fell over on a grand scale, of course, even just a little trip on the step, the woman seems to have a sense of intimacy.

[5] When the train made a mistake with a confident air transit
"Because his failure to do well, he does [!] Think" (teenage girls), such as clumsiness inherent in a daze when I'm tired, or when. However, if you are moving, etc. Because some dating mistakes to avoid, to the women with follow-up would be essential for the bank.

[6] when there is little to beat mistake-mail text
"[The] night [oh] and Sumu or become, a little smile" (women in their 20s), including an e-mail by mistake hit the rustic humor seems to be Ninmari women. However, the effect would be nothing but a mistake from the usually small. E-mail may be a good time and just before going to bed.

[7] as well as good words to say when gesticulative.
"Strange gestures to express how desperate" (women in their 20s), such as fluently Working with sound bites, "the good man mouth" than the gestures feel a kinship with men of action over poor talker as most women. It will be important to express emotions more than anything.

[8] When carried  to the mouth without noticing it dropped from a fork while eating food
"Porotsu, called flow Pakutsu laughing. cute, but childish" (women in their 20s), including your date while eating, something that quite a few nervous women. The naturalness of male klutz, you may draw the women laugh and relax.

In addition, "a feeling of clumsiness of men women intimacy"If there is, please let me know. We welcome your comments everyone. (Migaku Migaku Wu)






「何もないところで転ぶのを見ると、何で? と思いつつもかわいい」(10代女性)という意見のように、ドジの定番といえば「コケ」です。盛大にコケるのはもちろん、ちょっとした段差につまずくだけでも、女性は親近感を持つようです。





ほかにも、「女性が親近感を覚える男性のドジ」があれば、ぜひ教えてください。みなさんのご意見をお待ちしております。(呉 琢磨)

ZARD Izumi Sakai in memory of a live audience with fans of one of the 20th anniversary of his debut 8,000 fans chorus!

27, served as a vocal 2007 ZARD Izumi Sakai died in Debut 20th Anniversary Live "What a beautiful memory ~ forever you ~" was held at the Nippon Budokan, Sakai's death anniversary to be held in Tokyo more Sometimes it is the live finale of mourning, the venue was about 8,000 fans gathered. Began with the words speak to a fan of Sakai, the last live Budokan, the last masterpiece "Do not give up" and a chorus of fans at their feet, and was the venue together with exuberant enthusiasm.

ZARD debut 20 years, and Sakai's sudden death four years. On this day, ZARD Budokan related land their first live performance was filled with great excitement. Live through the dark hall into the start with the voice of Sakai's first tour in 2004. "I've always really words, the lyrics, was a safe place. I hope that it will be nice music 伝Ware" followed by the words speak to the fans, the debut single "Good-bye My Loneliness" begins "Do not forget the smile that" feelings "swing", such as the live shows ranging to 45 minutes 2 hours Majieta video and voice of Sakai to the performance of the band, many songs record even in a live memory of the past The music will be played.

Center stage, the familiar screen is placed in memory live, every song, but smelt treasured images showing the appearance of Sakai's alive. The video will premiere it in about half, while the innocent appearance and taken before the debut, "The dream that" two shots, and recorded his co-starred in the Nagashima Shigeo, Sakai's history Looking back full of precious scenes. Live finale of "not lose" in chorus as if the audience responds to their feet, singing Sakai's live video stream is fine, finally, "I'm always, always thinking about you all the time Sensui, "and displayed a handwritten message that says, were moved to tears like the figure of deep emotion.

The FIELD OF VIEW former guests who came from five former Asaoka Yuuya vocals. Asaoka was his debut song, "you had on the" Sakai said he was thanked for the lyrics in "while you take care now to write lyrics Sakai, long song I would like to, "along with the deceased Shinonda fans. (Statement Coverage: Nakamura Yoshinobu)


27日、2007年に亡くなった坂井泉水さんがボーカルを務めたZARDのデビュー20周年記念ライブ「What a beautiful memory ~forever you~」が日本武道館で開催され、坂井さんの命日、さらに東京で行われる追悼ライブのフィナーレということもあり、会場には約8,000人のファンが集結した。坂井さんがファンに語りかける言葉と共に始まった、武道館ラストライブは、最後には名曲「負けないで」をファンが総立ちで大合唱するなど、あふれんばかりの熱気で会場が一体となっていた。

 ZARDデビューから20年、そして坂井さんの急逝から4年。この日、ZARDが初ライブを行ったゆかりの地・武道館は大きな感動に包まれた。ライブは真っ暗な会場の中に流れる、2004年の初ツアー中の坂井さんの肉声と共にスタート。「私はいつも本当に言葉を、詞を、大切にしていました。音楽でそれが伝わればいいなと願っています」とファンに語りかける言葉に続いて、デビューシングル「Good-bye My Loneliness」から始まり「あの微笑みを忘れないで」「揺れる想い」など、バンドメンバーの演奏に坂井さんの歌声と映像をまじえた2時間45分に及ぶライブが行われ、これまでの追悼ライブの中でも過去最高曲数となる楽曲が演奏された。

 ステージ中央には、追悼ライブでおなじみのスクリーンが設置され、1曲ごと、生前の坂井さんの姿をおった秘蔵映像を上映。映像はおよそ半数が初公開となるそうで、中にはデビュー前に撮影された初々しい姿や、「果てしない夢を」のレコーディングで共演した長嶋茂雄氏との2ショットなど、坂井さんの歴史を振り返る貴重なシーンが満載。ライブのフィナーレを飾った「負けないで」では、総立ちの観客の大合唱にこたえるかのように、元気に歌う坂井さんのライブ映像が流れ、最後に「君のことを ずっと ずっと ずーっと 想っているよ 泉水」と書かれた直筆メッセージが映し出されると、感慨深く涙ぐむファンの姿もみられた。

 また、ゲストには元FIELD OF VIEWのボーカルを務めた浅岡雄也ら5人が登場。浅岡は自身のデビュー曲となった「君がいたから」で作詞を務めた坂井さんに感謝の言葉を述べた上で、「坂井さんに書いていただいた歌詞をこれからも大事にしつつ、末長く歌っていきたいと思っています」とファンとともに故人をしのんだ。(取材・文:中村好伸)

Tokyo Disney Resort, the largest ever discount rate, the kids half the price of summer

Tokyo Disney Resort, Oriental Land, which operates 27 passport for children (4 to be 11 years old) announced to implement services that are half price. Period of 55 days from August 08 until 31 July. The discount rate is also planned that during the past summer at most likely to call a big impact. The only planning a special program implemented as part of the summer

[Kizzusamasumairukyanpen]. Ticket sales will start June 08, passports will also be one day is 2050 yen 4100 yen, from 3:00 pm Sutaraitopasupoto that admission is 3400 yen 1700 yen. The two-day passport - would be available for half price for 4 days. Other company, a stay at Disney - the other four will be free up to 3 people at a breakfast restaurant for all children 12 years old, a junior high school students - graduate students] [Kyanpasudepasupoto (4900 \ 7 Wednesday, August 8 - 31 day target) was launched, students will appeal to kids during summer vacation.



約30億円投入し自家発電設備増設も オリエンタルランドの節電施策




"ANIMAX MUSIX 2011" also appeared this year to decide! May'n Interview with songstress!

May'n and friends say, in 2008, TV Animation Macross F, [responsible for the diva songs of the galaxy in Nome, was released two singles titles that year Orikonuikurichato feat with a debut 3rd place accomplished artist, his name resound suddenly - I think we have many people who have such an image.
May'n's has a wide range of activities this year, 3D LIVE ? documentary film May'n THE MOVIE-Phonic Nation-] and screenings, 2nd full album "If you ..." released on February Orikonuikurichato 7 ranked, on March 6, held a solo concert at the Budokan and his second, as well as six Asian single Asian tour also his second from May 13 and held in place, CD releases and live in terms of its momentum will not know about her stay. Was released on November 5 "Scarlet Ballet" (TV Anime opening theme of the scarlet bullets aria) played a collaboration with Daisuke Asakura, the album, "Shinjitemiru" book was released about seven months from the CD The Orikonuikuri - and play a top ranked chart, that's me May'n noise into rhythm, "ANIMAX MUSIX 2011" decided to participate for the fourth time!
November 23 this year (Wed.) to be held at Yokohama Arena as before "ANIMAX MUSIX 2011" to the current Itadakimashita said he felt!

- "ANIMAX MUSIX 2011" Could you tell us what you think it appeared to be made.
May'n says:
The very first "ANIMAX MUSIX" I will join after this time as it is the fourth time, when you hear the first thing to be a part of well or so happy, "and" ANIMAX MUSIX "A season has come! "I thought. Also for all the fans, "" ANIMAX MUSIX 2011 "season has arrived! "I think like you, I think I want to work hard to become the premier event for the Japanese anime-related events.

- The participants - would be the fourth time, May'n's for your own "ANIMAX MUSIX" What would any event.
May'n says:
Even on tour in Asia, many countries are indeed some of our "I love anime!" I say to Kudasaru. From Japan we have a culture called the anime and anime music, I feel that I want to say that this culture more and more excitement.
"ANIMAX MUSIX" Since the show is broadcast in many countries, where the music can originate from Japanese Anime, I think I want that event.

- "ANIMAX MUSIX" in that they are out, say a global response of the fans who feel strongly May'n yourself, perhaps it would be.
May'n says:
Since I live is really like, I think that I want to tell a regular basis and live the wonderful, "ANIMAX MUSIX" kindly man I know people are looking at me first Now coming to some give live. From people overseas, "Oh," ANIMAX MUSIX "I'm out" so that even I could have put a saying, but we become a big event in Japan, and been recognized as an event of Japanese animation in the world I feel that I have.

- Starting with the Shinagawa Stellar Ball, and this is the last concert at Yokohama Arena to hear such words from people overseas, or overseas expansion ....
May'n says:
Anime music anime and Japanese culture because it is really important, I think that those who want to deliver on many things I want to come abroad as well, of course.

- May 'n mean to, that there is music or anime like?
May'n says:
As a matter of course been touched since I was really small, I do not think people have never heard me once, anime music. . But I think also that some people got away when you grow up gradually. But, now called anime music there are a variety of genres really, you'll find a lot of people have favorite genres, I think one of the major musical genres, so many people that even now You've got great music, I think that's called good if you can tell.

- "ANIMAX MUSIX" does sometimes hard to see at other events, I think that one of the highlights Animesongukaba corner, you tell me what you think of such a cover corner?
May'n says:
Because every time I will cover a song like that so we always listen to ourselves, to all the fans are "usually seen May'n" I think that the idea of what you feel like (laughs).
I have always enjoyed singing views will really "ANIMAX MUSIX" in the corner if it is a think.
But I still live, while you will be covering other artist's songs, I always let out the challenge of it all myself.

- I think one of the highlights will be collaborated with other artists, and also receive a stimulus plan for collaboration May'n's not what is bigger?
May'n says:
I did not know how to sing and artists to collaborate, or placed under it by yourself think of putting a fake, which in turn, "Should I turn myself were at it this way" and, under stimulation is large. You can sing along to, then two things we dare to census taking, Shimo Mite can not match in a good way how to sing, so I really enjoy both the one who put out how to sing enough, made every discovery I think.

- Cover songs and songs sung collaboration so far, a strong impression there any songs?
May'n says:
One thing, the last "ANIMAX MUSIX FALL 2010" when you will be appearing, "Lost my music" (TV Anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]), but our performance will cover a song called I [Suzumiya The Melancholy of Haruhi] I really like that. It was like singing karaoke songs really well, I enjoyed the views will really sing (laughs).
Another, also the last "ANIMAX MUSIX FALL 2010" is a song sung let you, ORIGA you will be in collaboration with "THE REAL FOLK BLUES" (Cowboy Bebop [ending theme) is . This song is a song I usually do not, because music mature, when heard and decided this song first, "good looking like me and do sing the song cool ..." I think I addition, a senior's also very ORIGA you for pulling. Can you let me sing this song, we have a new challenge, too.

- Reflected on request from the fans "THE REAL FOLK BLUES" when it was unveiled, the audience is loud cheers were raised. The enthusiasm of the audience said that "ANIMAX MUSIX" even though I felt standing on stage?
May'n says:
Because the number of adults and spacious, not as intense excitement always raises his fist, "I came Teruki Ha!" That I felt a surge of hot and slowly.

- This year event is one that, you tell me where I want to see it here?
May'n says:
'll Be standing on a big stage because it was the first time last Yokohama, I was really nervous for it to say that, actually Itadaitara to be standing on stage, and all the fans that are very legible . They sing, a place where I felt really feel a sense of unity, this year in that respect I think that I can sing with confidence.
All the fans first too, but I think I would seem are held around May, said in November that a little empty, "finally" ANIMAX MUSIX "to go to! ! "I think a lot of people come to you for that thought it was, the tension exploded in all, I want to have fun together.

- That "ANIMAX MUSIX" knows from May'n's fun, Hara Kaya's participation to this first, Do you have advice?
May'n says:
With Hara Kaya is there that you will be with us in other events to watch the stage, I think that is who is singing happily so, even though watching the audience, I always feel happy that stage that I love and that's really Hara Kaya. So with that we'd be happy with reference to the stage, we are studying here I will (laughs).

- Finally in May I have a message for you for all the fans are looking forward to the event?
May'n says:
Now the world is being loved is really music anime and anime, anime after all because the Japanese culture, love more and more Japanese people, I have felt myself and a want to liven this culture more and more Masu. Is the center of the anime culture from Japan, Yokohama Arena to be able to send to the world, singing and dancing, and we would spend a great day.

- Where busy, thank you!

Animation Festival to all who love music for animation "ANIMAX MUSIX 2011" is November 23 (Wed.), held in Yokohama!
Tickets for the June 25 Early Bird Special Animax (Saturday), so will start from here first to get tickets and arrangements to hold the event?


May'nさんは今年も幅広い活動を行っており、3D LIVE・ドキュメンタリー映画『May'n THE MOVIE -Phonic Nation-』の上映や、2ndフルアルバム「If you...」を2月にリリースしオリコンウィークリーチャート7位にランクイン、3月6日には自身2度目となる日本武道館での単独コンサートを開催し、さらには5月13日よりこちらも自身2度目となる単独アジアツアーをアジア6ヶ所にて開催と、CDリリースやライブ面においてもその勢いは留まる事を知らない彼女 。5月11日に発売された「Scarlet Ballet」(TVアニメ『緋弾のアリア』のオープニングテーマ)では浅倉大介氏とのコラボレーションを果たし、前作「シンジテミル」から約7ヶ月ぶりにリリースされた本CDはオリコンウィークリ―チャート上位ランクインを果たす等、ノリにノっているMay'nさんの、「ANIMAX MUSIX 2011」への4度目の参加が決定!
今年11月23日(水・祝)に、前回同様横浜アリーナにて開催される「ANIMAX MUSIX 2011」へ、現在の心境を語っていただきました!

――「ANIMAX MUSIX 2011」に出演されることになった感想をお聞かせいただけますか。
一番初めの「ANIMAX MUSIX」に参加させていただいてから、今回は4度目ということで、また参加させていただけるという事を初めてお聞きした時はすごく嬉しかったのと同時に、「また「ANIMAX MUSIX 」の季節がやってきたな!」と思いました。ファンのみなさんにとっても、「「ANIMAX MUSIX 2011」の季節がやってきた!」って思っていただけるような、日本のアニメ関連イベントを代表するイベントになるように私も頑張っていきたいと思っています。

――今回で4回目の参加になるわけですが、May'nさんご自身にとって「ANIMAX MUSIX」はどんなイベントでしょうか。
「ANIMAX MUSIX」は色々な国で放送される番組なので、アニメ・アニメミュージックをここ日本から発信出来る、そんなイベントにしたいなと思っています。

――「ANIMAX MUSIX」に出られているという点で、世界のファンの方の反響と言うのをMay'nさんご自身が強く感じている、ということでしょうか。
私はライブがすごく好きなので、ライブの素晴らしさをお伝えしていきたいなと普段から思っているのですが、「ANIMAX MUSIX」で初めて私のことを見て知って下さった方たちが私のワンマンライブにも来て下さるようになりました。海外の方から「あ、「ANIMAX MUSIX」出るんだね」って言葉をかけていただいたりもするので、日本でも大きなイベントとなっておりますが、世界でも日本のアニメイベントとして認知されてきているのだなと感じています。



――「ANIMAX MUSIX」では、他のイベントではなかなか見られない、アニメソングカバーというコーナーが目玉の一つだと思いますが、そんなカバーコーナーについての感想を教えていただけますか?
いつも楽しんで歌わせていただいているので、本当に「ANIMAX MUSIX」ならではのコーナーだな、と思います。


まずひとつは、前回の「ANIMAX MUSIX FALL 2010」に出演させていただいた時に、「Lost my music」(TVアニメ『涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱』劇中歌)という曲をカバーさせていただいたのですが、私『涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱』がすごく好きなんです。本当によくカラオケ等で歌っている曲だったので、歌わせていただいてすっごく楽しかったです(笑)。
もう一つは、これも前回の「ANIMAX MUSIX FALL 2010」で歌わせていただいた曲なのですが、ORIGAさんとコラボさせていただいた「THE REAL FOLK BLUES」(『カウボーイ・ビバップ』エンディングテーマ)です。この曲は、普段の私の楽曲にはない、大人っぽい楽曲なので、最初にこの曲が決定したとお聞きした時には、「私にこんな格好良い、渋い曲が歌えるのかな...」と思ったのですが、先輩であるORIGAさんもすごく引っ張って下さって。この歌を歌わせていただいたことで、自分も新たなチャレンジをさせていただきました。

――ファンの方からのリクエストも反映された「THE REAL FOLK BLUES」が披露された際に、会場からは大きな歓声が上がっていました。その客席の熱気と言うのは「ANIMAX MUSIX」のステージ上に立っていても感じられましたか?

ファンのみなさんも最初は5月頃の開催だろうと思っていらしたと思うのですが、少し空いて11月の開催と言うことで、「やっと「ANIMAX MUSIX」に行ける!!」って思って下さっている方がたくさんいらっしゃると思うので、皆さんでテンションを爆発させて、一緒に楽しめればなと思っています。

――そんな「ANIMAX MUSIX」の楽しさを知っているMay'nさんから、今回初参加の茅原さんへ、アドバイスなどってありますか?



アニメミュージックを愛するすべての人へ向けたアニメの祭典「ANIMAX MUSIX 2011」は、11月23日(水・祝)横浜アリーナで開催!


Food and wrong way for you?

Hayo Sono combinations do! What food do you think? In my case, ketchup (tomato), rice-based Tianjin. Tianjin bowl should be a sweet and sour sauce! I do not have a strong commitment, at what I cook What do you think such a wrong way. What? I looked in the goo.

Now, that was slightly wrong way on this question myself! Had been received in answer to many dishes and sweets and felt.

■ somehow forgive standard series

"Strawberry Daifuku" (youkisara's)

"Ham and melon" (nozomi500's)

"Sand fruit. I bread and fresh fruit.." (Terios's)

"Pineapple in sweet and sour pork. Their favorite idol, were forced not to understand why cosplay, gravure came to feel like" (ysk_225's)

Prosciutto and melon, there is a strange feeling was certainly with snacks and desserts. Sand feels like fruits and desserts made with staple food. And also do not like the combination of royal pineapple sweet and sour pork (?), Is not it? Then, the dishes I tried to collect absolutely inexcusable perversion.

■ wipe compromise between East and West series discomfort

"I call Mamoru Hitoshi longer ride to the sushi or hamburger" (ikayaki9109's)

"Just put the mayonnaise rolled corn warships lined up sushi" (Aruku-added 20,030,515)

"Deron's full of black coffee was sweet and [...] Daifuku brewed coffee with cream on it further when I saw [] Daifuku cafe became a very unpleasant feeling" (Reffy's)

"[Put] (*_*;;) natto curry curry curry to eat after all. Natto white rice to eat in the warm" (sawanf66's)

Oh, is it?. I'm going to just to imagine any gross somehow. Compromise between East and West can not accept people with delicious food sounds like pretty much. It approaches the end in eternal mystery.

The eternal mystery ■! × carbohydrate carbohydrate collaboration!

"[Fried bread] Hey ... I personally do two staple food (noodles + bread) had taken the Do!" (Yuduki93's)

"It may upset people ... [Osaka Okonomiyaki meal] is!" (CD-8's)

× carbohydrate carbohydrates. Fairly many people would feel uncomfortable with it. I think also in the balance wrong way of nutrition, but it is something I fall into a lot of people like this junk. So far I feel that both go away.

Well, what a perversion of what the royal road to talk about what really matter. If you like, it's like I'm not a wrong way to say how the royal road of life. 











   「ハンバーグとかをのっけてる寿司 もはや寿司と呼ばない」(ikayaki9109さん)






   「『焼きそばパン』ですかねぇ… 個人的には主食2つ(麺+パン)も取ってどーする!」(yuduki93さん)




Except for northern, low-temperature forecast for August 6 - JMA

The Korea Meteorological Administration on August 25 announced a six-month forecast for August 3. Average temperatures northern Japan (Hokkaido and Tohoku) and average year, the other as or higher average. A record heat wave is expected to be similar to last year. How many average year precipitation in northern Japan. Other areas average year.


 気象庁は25日、6~8月の3カ月予報を発表した。平均気温は北日本(北海道・東北)で平年並みで、ほかは平年並みか高め。昨年のような記録的猛 暑にはならない見込み。降水量は北日本で平年並みか多い。ほかの地域は平年並み。 

The trade balance deficit of 4637 billion yen in April-31 years, exports stagnated in the earthquake - Treasury

Preliminary trade statistics released Monday, April 25 the Ministry of Finance (customs clearance basis), according to the trade balance from the value of exports minus value of imports, exports stagnated due east of the earthquake, with a significant deficit  of 4637 billion Or. Deficit in  three months, as in April 1980 was 31 years since the second oil crisis.

The sound of the earthquake cut off parts supply chain, manufacturing and automotive hitch, but the previous year, exports decreased by 12.5% in March (2.3 percent) decline from the widened. Meanwhile, imports increased mainly in energy, fell into the red. The Treasury Department, "is expected to stagnate due to limited production activities and electricity use in the future procurement of stagnation" (Customs Department), he said, showed a cautious approach to early recovery in exports.


 財務省が25日発表した4月の貿易統計速報(通関ベース)によると、輸出額から輸入額を差し引いた貿易収支は、東日本大震災の影響で輸出が停滞、 4637億円の大幅な赤字となった。赤字は3カ月ぶりで、4月としては第2次石油危機に見舞われた1980年以来31年ぶり。

 震 災による部品供給網の寸断が響き、自動車などの生産が滞り、輸出額が前年同月比12.5%減と3月(2.3%減)から落ち込み幅が拡大。一方、エネルギー 資源を中心に輸入が増加、赤字に転落した。財務省は「今後も部品調達の滞りや電力使用制限による生産活動の停滞が見込まれる」(関税局)と指摘、輸出の早 期回復に慎重な見方を示した。 

Sumida River fireworks, held August 27, postponed

Has been made in the last Saturday of July every year, "Sumida River Fireworks Festival" (sponsored by the Sumida River Fireworks Festival Committee, sponsors Yomiuri Shimbun) is to be held on July 24 to postpone the August 27, decided Or.

According to the Executive Committee, is likely to reasons such as lack of electricity blackouts in the tournament, also took time to consult with police and fire department security falls, even Railing install earthquake east of the river near Many are shipped to the disaster area, and did not clearly raise the prospect was held up about one lag.


 毎年7月の最終土曜日に行われている「隅田川花火大会」(隅田川花火大会実行委員会主催、読売新聞東京本社協賛)が、8月27日に延期して開催さ れることが24日、決まった。

 実行委員会によると、電力不足で大会中に停電する恐れがあるなどの理由で、警備にあたる警視庁や消防庁との協議に時間がかかったほか、川 の周辺に設置する落下防止柵も東日本大震災の被災地に多数出荷され、調達の見通しがはっきりしなかったため、約1か月遅れての開催となった。


Toyota's U.S. Miku plays CM85 million in July, also live

Miku of Vocaloid, Toyota Corolla, and CM Rice out here that many will Miku fan frenzy. Less known in America is still, although not in Japan or blog on the net dealing with game information and 2ch "Miku's Corolla CM appeared in the U.S.! Atsu!" "Ah tea Miku did I fly to the world's ー "" In these and I truly Miku's "" What? it is great that a big appeal to the "Toyota is pleased to advance the world of many voices and so on Miku.

This CM is Miku, ToyotaUSA that YouTube videos are up, the views are now more than 85 million times 16 at 9:00. CM video descriptions in English, "out of the 2011 Corolla type Miku going on stage where Chekku! Put a big dream in a compact body, and Corolla Shin Chan Miku is straight to the top!" (Editor's Japanese translation) is written on.

CM narration of the "big dream is we [create] inspire to. We sing about big dreams, have a big dream. And we are producing great art, compact (car) produce art" being talked about Toyota's position. So it is Miku they embody it.

CM video on YouTube with more than 3,400 comments, "I also want to try hair color Miku" "Wo -------- cool" While pleased with many other voices, "Miku is so familiar for people to anime and Japanese culture CM become as popular as I think that character is not yet "and" rashness "have a voice and also true.

But in Los Angeles on July 1 - 04 (U.S. time) to be held in "Anime Expo 2011" is the official site of the live concert will be the first to be done overseas at the Nokia Theatre Miku and has been published in the (Toyota sponsors this concert.) Whether as a cartoon of the U.S. National Miku played a brilliant move on in America, the future trend of interest.


ボーカロイドの初音ミクが、現在米トヨタ自動車・カローラのCMに出ており、多くのミクファンを熱狂させている。アメリカでの知名度はまだそれほどではな いものの、日本では2ちゃんねるやゲーム情報を扱うブログなどのネット上で「初音ミクさんが米国カローラのCMに登場! アーーーーーーーッ!」「あちゃーミクさん世界に羽ばたいちゃったかー」「さすが俺らのミクさんやで」「なに?トヨタだと えらい大物に気に入られたな」 などとミクの世界進出を喜ぶ声が多数だ。

この初音ミクのCMは、ToyotaUSAがYouTubeに動画をアップしており、再生回数は16日9時現在で85万回を超えている。CM動画 の説明には英語で「初音ミクが2011年型のカローラから出て、ステージに上がっていくところをチェーック! コンパクトなボディにでっかい夢を載せ、カ ローラとミクは頂点へ一直線だゾ!」(編集部和訳)と書かれてある。

CMのナレーションでは「大きな夢は私たちを『創造』へとかきたてる。私たちは大きな夢について歌い、大きな夢を抱く。そして、私たちは素晴らし い芸術を生み出し、コンパクト(カー)の芸術を生み出す」とトヨタの姿勢が語られている。それを体現しているのがミクというわけだろう。

YouTubeのCM動画のコメントは3400件以上つき、「ミクの髪の毛の色を私もやってみたい」「すげーーーーー」などと喜ぶ声が多い一方で 「ミクはアニメや日本の文化にそれほど詳しくない人にとってCMキャラになれるほどの人気はまだないと思うがね」と「勇み足」とする声があるのも事実。

とはいえ、ロサンゼルスで7月1日~4日(米国時間)に開催される「アニメ・エキスポ2011」は、ノキアシアターにて初音ミクの海外初となるコ ンサートが行われることもライブの公式サイトなどで発表されている(トヨタはこのコンサートのスポンサー)。華やかなアメリカ進出を果たした初音ミクが米 国の国民的アニメキャラとなるかどうか、今後の動向が注目される。

Japan TI, an easy transition to the single-core Multi-Core DSP "TMS320C66x"

Texas Instruments (Japan TI) Monday May 18, 2011, DSP "TMS320C66x" series will be the first single-core models "TMS320C6671" and sale of wireless communication SoC "TMS320C6670" announced enhancements. C6671 at 1,000-unit batches of 79 each in U.S. dollars. Evaluation module (EVM) "TMDXEVM6670L" "TMDXEVM6678L" (399 U.S. dollars for both) are also available.

The C6671, TMS320C66x based multi-core architecture series, the industry's first fixed point / floating-point DSP core for a single. The operating frequency of 1.25GHz. Multi-core model in the series "TMS320C6672" "TMS320C6674" "TMS320C6678" Pin / software for compatible multi-core, and even easier when it is required to transition to higher performance DSP.

CC6670 are software-defined radio (SDR) for a four-core processor for communication processing, and broadband wireless systems. LTE / WCDMA / TD-SCDMA / WiMAX physical layer and speed up the processing of communications for SoC power consumption compared to existing solutions / trying to double the performance improved. The operating frequency of 1.2GHz.

Japan also said TI, which provides free Multi-Core Software Development Kit TMS320C66x (MCSDK) was also associated with the update tools.


日本テキサス・インスツルメンツ(日本 TI)は2011年5月18日、DSP「TMS320C66x」シリーズ初となるシングルコア モデル「TMS320C6671」の販売開始と、無線通信用 SoC「TMS320C6670」の機能強化を発表した。C6671 の1,000個ロット時の単価は79ドル。評価モジュール(EVM)「TMDXEVM6670L」「TMDXEVM6678L」(いずれも399ドル)な ども用意している。

C6671 は、TMS320C66x シリーズのマルチコア アーキテクチャをベースとする、業界初の固定小数点/浮動小数点対応 シングルコア DSP という。動作周波数は 1.25GHz。同シリーズのマルチコア モデル「TMS320C6672」「TMS320C6674」「TMS320C6678」とピン/ソフトウェア互換性があるため、より高い性能が必要と なった場合などでも容易にマルチコア DSP へ移行できるという。

CC6670 は、ソフトウェア無線(SDR)やブロードバンド無線システム向けの通信処理用4コア プロセッサ。LTE / WCDMA / TD-SCDMA / WiMAX の物理層処理を高速化するなど、既存の通信向け SoC ソリューションと比べ消費電力/性能を2倍に向上したとしている。動作周波数は 1.2GHz。

また、日本 TI は同日、無償提供している TMS320C66x 向けマルチコア ソフトウェア開発キット(MCSDK)と関連ツール群のアップデートも実施した。

Guinness Glasses-achievement hand in Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture

Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture, which has recently glasses localities in Japan, to challenge Guinness record chain leading to the glasses frame of local citizens and students, under the presence of the employee's official recognition of Guinness World Records, "2011 m "achieved a new record.

The eyewear company officials and students "want to send glasses localities nationwide in Japan," "I want to bring pride to the citizens" and the thought of planning a regional event of activation. The previous record was 52,600,001 results achieved by the German high school in 2009, was 1760 meters, calling from overseas to provide glasses, tie together a number of glasses 65,300,001.

Place the last one man one hundred mayors Makino's voice erupted from the audience cheers.


日本一の眼鏡産地である福井県鯖江市でこのほど、市民や地元の学生らが眼鏡フレームを鎖状につなげるギネス記録に挑戦し、ギネス・ワールド・レコー ズ社の公式認定員立ち会いの下、「2011メートル」の新記録を達成した。
 学生や眼鏡企業の関係者らが「日本一の眼鏡産地を全国に発信したい」「市民に誇りを持ってほしい」との思いから、地域活性化のイベントと して企画。従来の記録はドイツの高校生が2009年に達成した1万5260個、1760メートルだったが、海外からも眼鏡の提供を呼び掛け、1万6530 個の眼鏡をつなぎ合わせた。



U.S. satellite observations of space-time distortion

Bikareta introduced nearly 100 years ago by Einstein right now, "general relativity" predicted that "the distortion of space-time" could finally actually observed.

NASA satellite "GP-B" is "four dimensional space-time is distorted as if it topped the bowling ball like a trampoline, " Yes I do not understand such conditions were observed.

By the way, four-dimensional spacetime and Einstein ... "is not considered space and time to separate, three-dimensional space of the universe, combined with one-dimensional time, I'll call it four-dimensional space-time" feel like The idea is expressed in terms of physical time and space together.

Four dimensional space-time distortion of the image at all ... I Tsukimasen.

By the way general relativity, not only distorted the space-time distortion of the speed of light travels in time and space "gravitational wave" is also predicted that exists. Can be observed, but not here yet. Has been engaged in competition for the world's first observation of gravity waves in the world.

I know full well that the world up Google.
Dr. Einstein lived Tteka gah.


NASA の人工衛星「GP-B」は「4次元時空が、まるでトランポリンにボーリングの玉をのせたかのように歪む」、といったわけのわからない状態を観測したんだそ うです。

ちなみに4次元時空とは...アインシュタインが「空間と時間は切り離して考えられない から、この宇宙の3次元空間と、1次元の時間を一体化し、4次元時空って呼ぼうぜ」といった感じで思いついた、時間と空間を合わせて表現する物理学用語で す。
ところで一般相対性理論は、時空の歪みだけではなく、時空の歪みが光 速で伝わる「重力波」の存在なども予言しています。しかしこちらは未だ観測できていません。世界中で重力波の世界初観測に向けた競争が繰り広げられていま す。

1100 producers billion loss in the earthquake recovery plan in June 70%

President of Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Akio earnings announcement at a press conference on the 11th, and now by the earthquake in the eastern parts shortage, the production, being forced to run about 50% lower "in Japan and overseas, about 70 percent in June recover, "said the source said. With the restoration of damaged parts makers, they have gradually raised about the prospect of parts. Meanwhile, the financial year ended March 31, 11 (U.S. GAAP), although about 110 billion yen climbed to earthquake losses, but sales growth in emerging countries, the profit shown in the main business income rose 4682 was 3.2 billion times. However, was below market expectations.
Toyota president said in an interview on April 22 about the outlook for recovery "production in Japan in July, increasing gradually from overseas around August," he explained. At a press conference that day, the results listed suppliers committed to supporting recovery, reduced to 150 from 30 different parts are difficult to procure, and description of the recovery period has been moved up production. However, the timing to normal production of all models is shown in the April 22 "11 to change in December," he said.
Consolidated sales for fiscal year ended March 11 (including Daihatsu and Hino Motors, Ltd.) is one million 730% increase year on year. 12 The impact of the earthquake in Japan and ending subsidies million eco-cars fell to 191 percent of the decline in Asia (28% increase) was that emerging economies such as towing.
Consolidated net sales for the fiscal year ending March 11 was 0.2 percent, an increase of 18 trillion yen 9936, the last (fiscal) 4081 billion yen in profit, an increase of 94 percent. Toyota president is "a big earthquake had a negative impact and a sharp appreciation of the yen has been strengthened to ensure that management foundation" was evaluated. Consolidated earnings forecast fiscal year ending March 12 is "not reasonably assessed the effects of the earthquake," decided not to publish as Toyota president is "I want to publish by mid-June," he said.


トヨタ自動車の豊田章男社長は11日の決算発表会見で、東日本大震災による部品不足で現在、5割程度の低操業を強いられている生産について「国内外 とも、6月には7割程度に回復する」との見通しを明らかにした。被災した部品メーカーの復旧に伴い、部品調達に徐々にめどがついてきたため。一方、11年 3月期連結決算(米国会計基準)は、震災による損失が約1100億円に上ったものの、新興国での販売台数が伸び、本業のもうけを示す営業利益は前期比 3.2倍の4682億円だった。ただ、市場の予想は下回った。
 豊田社長は4月22日の会見で、生産回復の見通しについて「国内で7月、海外で8月ごろから順次増加させる」と説明していた。この日の会 見では、部品メーカーの復旧支援に全力を挙げた結果、調達困難な部品が150種類から30種類まで減少し、生産回復の時期が前倒しされたと説明。ただ、全 車種の生産が正常化する時期については、4月22日に示した「11~12月で変わらない」とした。

 11年3月期の連結販売台数(日野自動車とダイハツ工業を含む)は前期比1%増の730万台。国内はエコカー補助金終了や震災の影響で同 12%減の191万台に落ち込んだが、アジア(同28%増)など新興国がけん引した。

 11年3月期の連結売上高は同0.2%増の18兆9936億円、最終(当期)利益は94%増の4081億円。豊田社長は「急激な円高や震 災という大きな減益要因があったが、経営基盤が確実に強化されている」と評価した。12年3月期の連結業績予想は「震災の影響で合理的に算定できない」と して公表を見送り、豊田社長は「6月中旬までには公表したい」と述べた。

Mao Asada & start dating seriously in April, before the World Championships, Daisuke Takahashi

One day in late March, in the hustle and bustle of the station near Nagoya, Aichi sure, figure skater Mao Asada (20) and Daisuke Takahashi (25) swept. Asada, although he wore a cap deep, Takahashi without disguise. Nagoya not have to skate the Holy Land, and two is too well known, most people will notice immediately. This witnesses recalled.
"At first I noticed Daisuke-kun. Daisuke-kun was watching a real cool person to thinking that. Look good with skinny girls were next, so it was a surprise from Mao" (40 year-old women)
World Figure Skating Championships held in April and Asada finished sixth and the results of the least self. If LaSalle Stone (55) in his blog You gotta beat Kim Jonah Mikiti sex and> muttering, while there were large fire and commotion, Asada and Takahashi said this acquaintance.
"I heard before the World Championships officially began reading this. It postponed the tournament, like I could spend time together. After the earthquake, Mao was quite a shock to the situation in affected areas received, but it was not enter the body as well as training, Daisuke-kun seems to have been supported by the side of her that "


 3月下旬のある日、愛知県・名古屋駅近くの雑踏の中に、フィギュアスケートの浅田真央選手(20)と高橋大輔選手(25)はいた。浅田はキャップ を目深にかぶっていたものの、高橋は変装なし。スケートの聖地・名古屋でなくとも、この有名すぎるふたりには、ほとんどの人がすぐに気づくだろう。目撃し た人はこう振り返る。

「最初は大輔くんに気づきました。カッコイイ人だなって思って見てたら本物の大輔くんだった。それで横にいた細くてスタイルのいい女の子を 見たら、真央ちゃんだったからびっくりですよ」(40代女性)

 4月に行われた世界フィギュアスケート選手権で、6位と自己最低の結果で終わった浅田。ラサール石井(55)が自身のブログで<早く彼氏 を作るべき。エッチしなきゃミキティやキムヨナに勝てないよ>とつぶやき、大炎上となる騒ぎもあったが、浅田と高橋の知人がこう話す。

「世界選手権前には正式につきあい始めたと聞きましたよ。大会が延期になったことで、一緒に過ごす時間ができたようなんです。震災後、真央 ちゃんは被災地の状況にかなりのショックを受けて、練習にも身がはいらないほどだったんですが、そんな彼女をそばで支えたのが大輔くんだったそうです」

Kamihara Miyu's talent or necking?

Miyu's talent Kamihara (24) July 12, was found hanging in the death of his condominium in Meguro Ward, Tokyo. According to officials, around 2 am, I have found hanged at his home near the door of an acquaintance. Was confirmed dead at the hospital. Not fought in his home state, the police are investigating and looking at the possibility of suicide. At present, no suicide note was found.
The agency "is currently investigating the facts, " but said work had a 11 day holiday.


 タレント上原美優さん(24)が12日、東京都目黒区の自宅マンションで首をつって死亡したことが分かった。関係者によると、午前2時ごろ、知人が自宅 のドア付近で首をつっているところを発見。病院で死亡が確認された。自宅の中に争った様子はなく、警視庁では自殺の可能性があると見て調べている。現段階 で遺書は発見されていない。


Nine male dietary patterns gesture girls feel something

While men often eat rice attractive, but people who eat noisily, as is NG and said the girl is like watching a fine gesture of the man in the diet. In this study, the "gesture of men feel something in the diet of girls," Introducing the.

[1] who combined speed of eating."Just wanted to hurry, because I feel that is cherished" (women in their 20s) and so on, seems to echo a concern for the girl. From the usual fast eater, try to note the progress of girls eating how about you?

[2] have increased spine and good posture."Polite, and I admire that beautiful" (women in their 20s) and so on, would seem to be a man of elegance and good posture when eating. I usually like the humpback, put the bag and sitting on the back of the seat, you may want to be better aware of such a sitting posture.

[3] is a beautiful way to hold chopsticks."People like a good command of chopsticks properly is the discipline" (women in their 30s) and so on, beautiful men with chopsticks is to feel like gentility. Looks so beautiful with chopsticks and slightly upward from the center, try to be aware of during the meal how about you?

[4] fork and spoon to eat neatly wrapped in pasta."How difficult would eat she was more beautiful and feel something of a roll of his pasta" (women in their 20s) and so on, the girls seem to feel something of the beauty of using a spoon or fork. This is possible because once you get used to that, try to practice at home how about you?

[5] that relaxes the body beautiful fish."Men do not eat so much fish is beautiful" (women in their 20s) so minutes of the original low expectations for the men, and girls seem to feel something beautiful man eating fish. Good way to relieve the body of the fish may be a good idea to appeal and ordered a grilled fish dinner with a girl when.

[6] that after eating utensils are clean."I think if you would eat on her own made the beautiful" (women in their 20s), so it seems the girls to imagine a beautiful marriage of sweet dishes eaten end. People tend to finish a meal, soaked in a cup to your 飯粒, 心Gaketa it is better to eat the beautiful bowl at the end.

[7] from speaking to swallow all the food in the mouth.Instead of eating something, and girls seem to feel something from a conversation that men can swallow properly caring. During dinner with the girls, to facilitate a conversation, try to cut off the amount of food carrying the mouth immediately.

[8] will set aside a smart cook."The hand movements used to be impressed with the beautiful people that the prime" (Women in their 20s) so that the girls seem to feel something of the shop staff act as first class. Also, "you give me to actively set aside, too, and clumsy" (women in their 20s), so there are opinions that when you dish out is unlikely to focus on better serve the beautiful.

[9] while Tsuburi eyes and taste the delicious food.Along with being attracted to men eating is dynamic and seems attracted to men and girls to enjoy delicious food Tsuburi eyes. And have a happy look to men eat together, because I feel like a girl is met when the food is good and I felt would be better to look rich.


ご飯をよく食べる男性は魅力的な一方、音を立てながら食べる人はNGなどと言われるように、女の子は食事中の男性のしぐさを細かく見ているようです。そこ で今回は、「女の子がキュンとする男性の食事中のしぐさ」をご紹介します。

「焦らなくていいし、大事にされている気がするから」(20代女性)というように、女の子に対する気遣いとして響くようです。普段から食べるのが 速い人は、女の子の食事の進み具合に注意してみてはいかがでしょうか。

「礼儀正しくて、キレイだなぁと見とれる」(20代女性)というように、食事のときの姿勢が良いと気品がある男性と思われるようです。普段から猫 背の人などは、座面の後ろ側にバッグを置いて座るなど、姿勢が良くなるような座り方を意識すると良いでしょう。

「箸をきちんと使いこなせる人はしつけがされているようで良い」(30代女性)というように、箸をキレイに持つ男性は育ちの良さを感じさせるよう です。箸は中央よりやや上の方を持つとキレイに見えるので、食事の際に意識してみてはいかがでしょうか。

「自分が食べにくくなってしまうくらい、彼のパスタの巻き方がキレイでキュンとした」(20代女性)というように、スプーンやフォークの使い方の 美しさにキュンとする女の子もいるようです。これは慣れれば出来るようになることなので、自宅で練習してみてはいかがでしょうか。

「魚をキレイに食べる男性はあまりいないので」(20代女性)というように、もともとの男性に対する期待値が低い分、魚をキレイに食べる男性に キュンとする女の子もいるようです。魚の身をほぐすのが得意な方は、女の子との食事の際に焼き魚などを注文すると良いアピールになるかもしれません。

「将来自分の作ったものもキレイに食べてもらえると思うから」(20代女性)というように、食べ終わりのキレイな食器に甘い結婚生活を想像する女 の子もいるようです。ご飯粒を茶碗につけたまま食事を終えてしまいがちな人は、食べ終わりの茶碗をキレイにするよう心がけた方が良いでしょう。

ものを食べながらではなく、きちんと飲み込んでから会話するという気遣いのできる男性にキュンとする女の子もいるようです。女の子との食事の際 は、会話をしやすいよう、すぐに食べきれる量を口に運ぶようにしましょう。

「慣れた手つきで、盛り方もキレイだと感動する」(20代女性)というように、一流店のスタッフがするような行為にキュンとする女の子もいるよう です。また、「積極的に取り分けてくれれば、ぎこちなくてもいい」(20代女性)という意見もありますので、取り分ける際はキレイに盛ることに集中する方 がよさそうです。

豪快にご飯を食べる男性に惹かれるのと並び、目をつぶり料理を美味しそうに味わう男性に魅力を感じる女の子もいるようです。一緒に食事をしている 男性が幸せそうな表情をしていると、女の子も気持ちが満たされるようなので、料理が美味しいと感じた際は、表情を豊かにした方が良いでしょう。

Matsui Hide achieved 1500 points in total U.S.!

[Oakland (Calif.) per day (two days time) - Major League Baseball, Athletics outfielder Hideki Matsui (36), but the Rangers game, "No. 6 DH" played in a one for three RBI . Stepping on the sixth point of the home three times, achieved a total of 1500 points the United States. Reach the career mark, the United States Seattle Mariners outfielder Ichiro Suzuki (37) and second to second, Mr Ou Sadaharu in Japanese baseball (Giants), only four people. Beam under third place in the history of pro baseball career slugging (eg giant) to "reach" multiplied.

Like walking speed and calmly, "in commemoration of the home base" in the left foot stepped on. Matsui's three run three times, second baseman Cliff Pennington (26) survived a shot Nakamae. The home screen "American career scoring 1500" and is transmitted, there was applause from home fans celebrate.
"To be honest, I am not much impression. Come play for a long time, I think that has been blessed with a great offense. The good news is that though there is."
The U.S. total was only Ichiro Matsui, Ou Sadaharu Baseball Hall of Fame in Japan, Yutaka Fukumoto original beams, has not achieved milestone was reached only four of Nomura Katsuya. Score on their own, only 495 homers this leave the career that the United States. "Because it is not the home run does not score himself. (To home plate) will return, is that it was a good teammate," Matsui. The rest of the 1005 score, giants, Yankees, Angels, and he was grateful thanks to my colleagues made me alive and in a military. I usually play a role precisely because the hatch runner, you can see the value of the score. Total score of more than 1500 active players in the MLB, Yankees infielder Alex Rodriguez (35) only have these five.
The commemoration began with a double score. Dave Bush pitched his right second place at second base with no out military record three times (31), a slider down and away, the left wing hit the line sink to attract the last minute. "About the ball which was gradually falling, the ball was strong in the opposite direction" in a convincing double, RBI cited since April 24. To advance to third during the next batter infield grounder, stepped on the score of the 1500 total U.S. home.
In slugging, "and even beam over," came too close. 7 th season, firing a double, hitting a total of 995 of the United States. Baseball record holder for career hits (of 3085) urged a difference in the number of the original hitting the beam.
Again two different forces down the level of the district team leader. And three - have been showing signs of tied with the Angels. "Tomorrow is very important. I win." Matsui finished the lowest batting average in April after his major in May is off to a good start.


【オークランド(米カリフォルニア州)1日(日本時間2日)】米大リーグ、アスレチックスの松井秀喜外野手(36)が、レンジャーズ戦に「6番・ DH」で出場し、3打数1安打1打点。三回に6点目のホームを踏み、日米通算1500得点を達成した。日米通算での大台到達はマリナーズのイチロー外野手 (37)に次ぐ2人目で、日本球界では王貞治氏(巨人)ら4人だけ。通算長打数でもプロ野球歴代3位の張本勲氏(巨人など)に“リーチ”をかけた。

 歩くようなスピードで悠々と“記念のホームベース”を左足で踏んだ。三走の松井が三回、クリフ・ペニントン内野手 (26)の中前打で生還。本拠地のスクリーンで「日米通算1500得点」が伝えられると、地元ファンから祝福の拍手が起きた。

 「正直、感想はあまりないんです。長い間プレーしてきて、ずっと素晴らしい打線に恵まれてきたということだと思います。 うれしいことではありますけど」

 松井が日米通算ではイチローだけで、日本プロ野球でも殿堂入りの王貞治、福本豊、張本勲、野村克也の4人しか達成してい ない大台に到達した。自力での得点は、日米通算で495本放っている本塁打だけ。「本塁打以外は自分で得点できないわけですからね。(本塁に)返してくれ る、いいチームメートがいたということですよ」と松井。残りの1005得点は、巨人、ヤンキース、エンゼルス、そしてア軍で自分を生還させてくれた同僚の おかげだと感謝した。普段は走者をかえす役割を担っているからこそ、得点の価値も分かる。大リーグでも通算1500得点以上の現役選手は、ヤンキースのア レックス・ロドリゲス内野手(35)ら5人しかいない。

 記念の得点は二塁打から始まった。三回無死二塁でレ軍2番手右腕のデーブ・ブッシュ投手(31)の外角低めスライダー を、ぎりぎりまで引きつけて左翼線に流し打ち。「落ちていく球についていった分、逆方向に強い打球になった」という納得の二塁打で、4月24日以来の打点 を挙げた。次打者の内野ゴロの間に三進して、日米通算1500得点のホームを踏んだ。

 長打での“張本超え”にも近づいてきた。今季7本目の二塁打を放ち、日米通算の長打数は995本。通算安打のプロ野球記 録保持者(3085本)である張本勲の長打数に1差と迫った。

 チームも地区首位のレ軍を下して再び2差。同率首位のエンゼルスと三つどもえの様相を呈してきた。「あしたが非常に大 事。勝ちたいですね」。4月を大リーグ移籍後最低の打率で終えた松井が、5月は幸先の良いスタートを切った。

Food poisoning, teenage girls with severe eating raw meat

Roast chain "BBQ Ebisu drinkers" had dinner with the boys in Toyama Prefecture, died of an issue, Fukui Prefecture, Fukui Prefecture on July 2 press conference in Fukui, "Ebisu drinkers BBQ" in stores April 17 Hukui Mabuchi Teenage girls to the hospital to eat raw meat in raw meat, announced that it has fallen into severe.


焼き肉チェーン「焼肉酒家えびす」で食事をした男児が富山県、福井県で死亡した問題で、福井県は2日、記者会見し、福井市の「焼肉酒家えびす」福井渕店で 4月17日に生肉のユッケを食べた10代女性が入院して、重症に陥っていると発表した。