
unveiled a special general admission to the choir begins the east tower

Nara Yakushiji day, the east tower (National Treasure) has started a special admission of the chancel. General admission into the Hall of the Nara period, the first since its founding. The admission into the hall to the east, while a passage formed within one week of the first floor the first layer, strained eyes were painted on the ceiling and floral patterns.
Because the severely damaged the east tower and the pillar is hollow, which is scheduled to be repaired about 110 years after the dissolution of next year. Will not be able to look around in 19's and is covered for repair of the roof elements.
21 days. 8:30 am - 5:00 pm (4:30 pm receptionist.) Regular admission fee and must have special separate entry hall admission fee of 500 yen. Contact the Temple (0742.33.6001). Hanazawa - Shigeto;


奈良市の薬師寺で1日、東塔(国宝)の内陣の特別拝観が始まった。一般拝観者の入堂は奈良時代の創建以来初めて。拝観者は東側から入堂し、1階部分 の初層内部に設けられた通路を1周しながら、天井に描かれた花の文様などに目を凝らしていた。
東塔は心柱が空洞化するなど傷みが激しいため、来年度から約110年ぶりの解体修理が予定されている。修理用の素屋根に覆われると19年 ごろまで外観を見ることができなくなる。

21日まで。午前8時半~午後5時(受け付けは午後4時半)。通常の拝観料とは別に特別入堂拝観料500円が必要。問い合わせは同寺 (0742・33・6001)。【花澤茂人】

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