
Extended up to 95 years 368 blood descendants, the journey to heaven has gathered all the family.

Last Sun in Britain, was the funeral of a woman who died at age 95. Women go through life in a long begat 10 children, was succeeded by his blood from children to grandchildren, great grandchildren and expansion to the grandchildren. The family headed by a woman when she is noticed only extends whopping 368 people, all gathered for the funeral farewell to Grandma journey to heaven, that watched the burial.
According to British newspaper Liverpool Echo, McHugh's grandmother is Elizabeth. Born and raised in Liverpool's Queen Elizabeth has married four times in a lifetime experience, they had 10 children. "My husband passed away two people, two people divorce," the marriage was never blessed with something, but there likely was a struggle to work hard every day to support 10 children.
During her World War II bomb was working in a factory, plant the bombs fell near Unfortunately, not only lost his best friend, she "was one of the deaf" he said. Liverpool continued to sell flowers in the market to support growing even after the children, spent the day on Sunday to sell flowers at the cemetery with the rest of the children entrusted to his mother. According to Alvin's current 65-year-old son, friends say Elizabeth was working from day to quit a job at the local pub at the age of 75, quite good workers.
Results pain sensations at the end of such children, grandchildren Elizabeth's family from children to grandchildren Iki wide open, her obsession had to be surrounded by many precious sons. According to British newspaper the Daily Mail, the 10 children who was born 55 grandchildren. From their grandchildren great-grandson of the 242 people, and even great-great-grandchild of 59 (Yashago), two grandchildren who come (hesitation Son) was born until today's direct line of descent has become a large family of Elizabeth 368 The.
Son of Alvin and his friends, and a source of Elizabeth's "family McHugh" I have a very important ties. Therefore, "the family tree has many families," a high awareness about kinship, are prepared to take that voice is multiplied when there all together so what. The meeting brings together a number of people as it truly is not often, but still "change things around once or twice a year," unity is hard enough.
2 cans of Guinness every night, and love to dance, Elizabeth's later years were also staying healthy. Burial will be in and that her last farewell, all gathered 368 people. Inherited many of his own blood, "McHugh family," says Elizabeth was shelved for the journey to heaven would be at ease.


英国で先日、95歳でこの世を去ったある女性の葬儀が行われた。長い人生を歩む中で女性は10人の子どもをもうけ、受け継がれたその血は子どもから孫へ、 孫からひ孫へと拡大。気が付けば女性を頂点とした一族はなんと368人まで広がり、葬儀には天国へと旅立つおばあちゃんを見送るため全員が集結し、埋葬を 見守ったという。

英紙リバプール・エコーによると、このおばあちゃんはエリザベス・マク ヒューさん。リバプールで生まれ育ったエリザベスさんは生涯で4度の結婚を経験し、10人の子どもをもうけた。「夫2人は他界、2人は離婚」と、結婚生活 は決して恵まれたものではなかったが、10人の子どもを支えるために必死で仕事に励む毎日だったそうだ。

第二次世界大戦の最中に彼女は爆 弾工場で働いていたが、不運にも工場そばに爆弾が落ち、親友を失っただけでなく、彼女も「片方の耳が聞こえなくなった」という。その後も育ち盛りの子ども たちを支えるためにリバプールの市場で花を売り続け、日曜日には母親に子どもを預けて墓地で残りの花を売る日々を過ごした。現在65歳の息子アルヴィンさ んによれば、エリザベスさんは75歳で地元のパブでの仕事を辞めるまで毎日働いていたというから、かなりの働き者だ。

そうした苦労の末に 子どもたちを育て上げた結果、エリザベスさんの家族は子どもたちから孫、ひ孫へと大きく広がっていき、いつしか彼女はかけがえのない大勢の子孫たちに囲ま れることになった。英紙デイリー・メールによると、10人の子どもたちからは55人の孫が誕生。その孫たちからは242人のひ孫たちが、さらには59人の 玄孫(やしゃご)、2人の来孫(らいそん)まで生まれ、現在、エリザベスさんの直系血族は368人の大所帯となっている。

息子のアルヴィ ンさんたちは、エリザベスさんを源とする“マクヒュー一族”の繋がりを非常に大事にしているそう。そのため、「多くの家族が家系図を持っている」ほど血族 意識が高く、何かあった場合も全員が集まるよう声が掛けられる態勢が整っているという。さすがにこれだけの人数が一堂に会するのは頻繁とはいかないもの の、それでも「年に1、2回は都合をつける」ほど結束は固い。

毎晩ギネスビールを2缶空け、踊るのが大好きと、晩年も元気に過ごしていた エリザベスさん。そんな彼女との最後の別れとなる埋葬には、368人全員が集結した。自分の血を受け継ぐ大勢の“マクヒュー一族”に見送られたエリザベス さんは、安心して天国へと旅立ったことだろう。

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