

As a simulation of Mars, do you remember that men have become in a closed environment Kandzume 500 days. Led by Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Biomedical MARS project is the story of 500. Only six men crew name "Spaceship" I boarded the "Earth" took off from that of June 3 last year. Also continued to sail smoothly after that, on February 12 last month, finally, "Mars" arrived. "Mars" landed on the Italian crew Diego Urbina has published his diary of joy.
According to Diego's "Mars" in the experimental period is "very exciting" that was."Although not on Mars genuine, if sometimes land on the Martian real if and feeling exactly the same as I think of getting a feel much closer even say, our [galaxy] is significant in There. at least for myself. " Sentences are meaningful enough, certainly more than six months, "Spaceship" Given that it was closed environment, without genuine and even if "Mars" is how I felt fresh, I feel understood. On the other hand, "Mars" is due out in a crew of two people, and say that I felt so lonely, gravity unfortunately can not be simulated space suit is also introduced small neta and are lighter in advance I. (Mars has a gravity of the Earth / 3 long)
This diary was written on February 21. Then on March 2, "Mars" off, "Earth" is scheduled to return November 5. Linked to the "Space" and "Mars" pictures and videos. For those who somehow became Houtsu Okenaku to the official Twitter account there. Photos and videos, is also packed with relevant information. Click here for original article


火星探査のシミュレーションとして、閉鎖環境で500日間カンヅメとなっている男達のことを覚えていますか。ロシア科学アカデミー生物医学研究所が率いるMARS 500プロジェクトの話です。男性ばかりのクルー六名が「宇宙船」に乗り込み、「地球」から飛び立ったのは昨年6月3日のこと。そのあとも順調に航海を続け、先月2月12日にはついに「火星」へ到着しました。「火星」に降り立ったイタリア人クルー Diego Urbina氏の喜びを綴った日記が公開されています。



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