
U.S. satellite observations of space-time distortion

Bikareta introduced nearly 100 years ago by Einstein right now, "general relativity" predicted that "the distortion of space-time" could finally actually observed.

NASA satellite "GP-B" is "four dimensional space-time is distorted as if it topped the bowling ball like a trampoline, " Yes I do not understand such conditions were observed.

By the way, four-dimensional spacetime and Einstein ... "is not considered space and time to separate, three-dimensional space of the universe, combined with one-dimensional time, I'll call it four-dimensional space-time" feel like The idea is expressed in terms of physical time and space together.

Four dimensional space-time distortion of the image at all ... I Tsukimasen.

By the way general relativity, not only distorted the space-time distortion of the speed of light travels in time and space "gravitational wave" is also predicted that exists. Can be observed, but not here yet. Has been engaged in competition for the world's first observation of gravity waves in the world.

I know full well that the world up Google.
Dr. Einstein lived Tteka gah.


NASA の人工衛星「GP-B」は「4次元時空が、まるでトランポリンにボーリングの玉をのせたかのように歪む」、といったわけのわからない状態を観測したんだそ うです。

ちなみに4次元時空とは...アインシュタインが「空間と時間は切り離して考えられない から、この宇宙の3次元空間と、1次元の時間を一体化し、4次元時空って呼ぼうぜ」といった感じで思いついた、時間と空間を合わせて表現する物理学用語で す。
ところで一般相対性理論は、時空の歪みだけではなく、時空の歪みが光 速で伝わる「重力波」の存在なども予言しています。しかしこちらは未だ観測できていません。世界中で重力波の世界初観測に向けた競争が繰り広げられていま す。

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