
The trade balance deficit of 4637 billion yen in April-31 years, exports stagnated in the earthquake - Treasury

Preliminary trade statistics released Monday, April 25 the Ministry of Finance (customs clearance basis), according to the trade balance from the value of exports minus value of imports, exports stagnated due east of the earthquake, with a significant deficit  of 4637 billion Or. Deficit in  three months, as in April 1980 was 31 years since the second oil crisis.

The sound of the earthquake cut off parts supply chain, manufacturing and automotive hitch, but the previous year, exports decreased by 12.5% in March (2.3 percent) decline from the widened. Meanwhile, imports increased mainly in energy, fell into the red. The Treasury Department, "is expected to stagnate due to limited production activities and electricity use in the future procurement of stagnation" (Customs Department), he said, showed a cautious approach to early recovery in exports.


 財務省が25日発表した4月の貿易統計速報(通関ベース)によると、輸出額から輸入額を差し引いた貿易収支は、東日本大震災の影響で輸出が停滞、 4637億円の大幅な赤字となった。赤字は3カ月ぶりで、4月としては第2次石油危機に見舞われた1980年以来31年ぶり。

 震 災による部品供給網の寸断が響き、自動車などの生産が滞り、輸出額が前年同月比12.5%減と3月(2.3%減)から落ち込み幅が拡大。一方、エネルギー 資源を中心に輸入が増加、赤字に転落した。財務省は「今後も部品調達の滞りや電力使用制限による生産活動の停滞が見込まれる」(関税局)と指摘、輸出の早 期回復に慎重な見方を示した。 

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