
Except for northern, low-temperature forecast for August 6 - JMA

The Korea Meteorological Administration on August 25 announced a six-month forecast for August 3. Average temperatures northern Japan (Hokkaido and Tohoku) and average year, the other as or higher average. A record heat wave is expected to be similar to last year. How many average year precipitation in northern Japan. Other areas average year.


 気象庁は25日、6~8月の3カ月予報を発表した。平均気温は北日本(北海道・東北)で平年並みで、ほかは平年並みか高め。昨年のような記録的猛 暑にはならない見込み。降水量は北日本で平年並みか多い。ほかの地域は平年並み。 

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