
"ANIMAX MUSIX 2011" also appeared this year to decide! May'n Interview with songstress!

May'n and friends say, in 2008, TV Animation Macross F, [responsible for the diva songs of the galaxy in Nome, was released two singles titles that year Orikonuikurichato feat with a debut 3rd place accomplished artist, his name resound suddenly - I think we have many people who have such an image.
May'n's has a wide range of activities this year, 3D LIVE ? documentary film May'n THE MOVIE-Phonic Nation-] and screenings, 2nd full album "If you ..." released on February Orikonuikurichato 7 ranked, on March 6, held a solo concert at the Budokan and his second, as well as six Asian single Asian tour also his second from May 13 and held in place, CD releases and live in terms of its momentum will not know about her stay. Was released on November 5 "Scarlet Ballet" (TV Anime opening theme of the scarlet bullets aria) played a collaboration with Daisuke Asakura, the album, "Shinjitemiru" book was released about seven months from the CD The Orikonuikuri - and play a top ranked chart, that's me May'n noise into rhythm, "ANIMAX MUSIX 2011" decided to participate for the fourth time!
November 23 this year (Wed.) to be held at Yokohama Arena as before "ANIMAX MUSIX 2011" to the current Itadakimashita said he felt!

- "ANIMAX MUSIX 2011" Could you tell us what you think it appeared to be made.
May'n says:
The very first "ANIMAX MUSIX" I will join after this time as it is the fourth time, when you hear the first thing to be a part of well or so happy, "and" ANIMAX MUSIX "A season has come! "I thought. Also for all the fans, "" ANIMAX MUSIX 2011 "season has arrived! "I think like you, I think I want to work hard to become the premier event for the Japanese anime-related events.

- The participants - would be the fourth time, May'n's for your own "ANIMAX MUSIX" What would any event.
May'n says:
Even on tour in Asia, many countries are indeed some of our "I love anime!" I say to Kudasaru. From Japan we have a culture called the anime and anime music, I feel that I want to say that this culture more and more excitement.
"ANIMAX MUSIX" Since the show is broadcast in many countries, where the music can originate from Japanese Anime, I think I want that event.

- "ANIMAX MUSIX" in that they are out, say a global response of the fans who feel strongly May'n yourself, perhaps it would be.
May'n says:
Since I live is really like, I think that I want to tell a regular basis and live the wonderful, "ANIMAX MUSIX" kindly man I know people are looking at me first Now coming to some give live. From people overseas, "Oh," ANIMAX MUSIX "I'm out" so that even I could have put a saying, but we become a big event in Japan, and been recognized as an event of Japanese animation in the world I feel that I have.

- Starting with the Shinagawa Stellar Ball, and this is the last concert at Yokohama Arena to hear such words from people overseas, or overseas expansion ....
May'n says:
Anime music anime and Japanese culture because it is really important, I think that those who want to deliver on many things I want to come abroad as well, of course.

- May 'n mean to, that there is music or anime like?
May'n says:
As a matter of course been touched since I was really small, I do not think people have never heard me once, anime music. . But I think also that some people got away when you grow up gradually. But, now called anime music there are a variety of genres really, you'll find a lot of people have favorite genres, I think one of the major musical genres, so many people that even now You've got great music, I think that's called good if you can tell.

- "ANIMAX MUSIX" does sometimes hard to see at other events, I think that one of the highlights Animesongukaba corner, you tell me what you think of such a cover corner?
May'n says:
Because every time I will cover a song like that so we always listen to ourselves, to all the fans are "usually seen May'n" I think that the idea of what you feel like (laughs).
I have always enjoyed singing views will really "ANIMAX MUSIX" in the corner if it is a think.
But I still live, while you will be covering other artist's songs, I always let out the challenge of it all myself.

- I think one of the highlights will be collaborated with other artists, and also receive a stimulus plan for collaboration May'n's not what is bigger?
May'n says:
I did not know how to sing and artists to collaborate, or placed under it by yourself think of putting a fake, which in turn, "Should I turn myself were at it this way" and, under stimulation is large. You can sing along to, then two things we dare to census taking, Shimo Mite can not match in a good way how to sing, so I really enjoy both the one who put out how to sing enough, made every discovery I think.

- Cover songs and songs sung collaboration so far, a strong impression there any songs?
May'n says:
One thing, the last "ANIMAX MUSIX FALL 2010" when you will be appearing, "Lost my music" (TV Anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]), but our performance will cover a song called I [Suzumiya The Melancholy of Haruhi] I really like that. It was like singing karaoke songs really well, I enjoyed the views will really sing (laughs).
Another, also the last "ANIMAX MUSIX FALL 2010" is a song sung let you, ORIGA you will be in collaboration with "THE REAL FOLK BLUES" (Cowboy Bebop [ending theme) is . This song is a song I usually do not, because music mature, when heard and decided this song first, "good looking like me and do sing the song cool ..." I think I addition, a senior's also very ORIGA you for pulling. Can you let me sing this song, we have a new challenge, too.

- Reflected on request from the fans "THE REAL FOLK BLUES" when it was unveiled, the audience is loud cheers were raised. The enthusiasm of the audience said that "ANIMAX MUSIX" even though I felt standing on stage?
May'n says:
Because the number of adults and spacious, not as intense excitement always raises his fist, "I came Teruki Ha!" That I felt a surge of hot and slowly.

- This year event is one that, you tell me where I want to see it here?
May'n says:
'll Be standing on a big stage because it was the first time last Yokohama, I was really nervous for it to say that, actually Itadaitara to be standing on stage, and all the fans that are very legible . They sing, a place where I felt really feel a sense of unity, this year in that respect I think that I can sing with confidence.
All the fans first too, but I think I would seem are held around May, said in November that a little empty, "finally" ANIMAX MUSIX "to go to! ! "I think a lot of people come to you for that thought it was, the tension exploded in all, I want to have fun together.

- That "ANIMAX MUSIX" knows from May'n's fun, Hara Kaya's participation to this first, Do you have advice?
May'n says:
With Hara Kaya is there that you will be with us in other events to watch the stage, I think that is who is singing happily so, even though watching the audience, I always feel happy that stage that I love and that's really Hara Kaya. So with that we'd be happy with reference to the stage, we are studying here I will (laughs).

- Finally in May I have a message for you for all the fans are looking forward to the event?
May'n says:
Now the world is being loved is really music anime and anime, anime after all because the Japanese culture, love more and more Japanese people, I have felt myself and a want to liven this culture more and more Masu. Is the center of the anime culture from Japan, Yokohama Arena to be able to send to the world, singing and dancing, and we would spend a great day.

- Where busy, thank you!

Animation Festival to all who love music for animation "ANIMAX MUSIX 2011" is November 23 (Wed.), held in Yokohama!
Tickets for the June 25 Early Bird Special Animax (Saturday), so will start from here first to get tickets and arrangements to hold the event?


May'nさんは今年も幅広い活動を行っており、3D LIVE・ドキュメンタリー映画『May'n THE MOVIE -Phonic Nation-』の上映や、2ndフルアルバム「If you...」を2月にリリースしオリコンウィークリーチャート7位にランクイン、3月6日には自身2度目となる日本武道館での単独コンサートを開催し、さらには5月13日よりこちらも自身2度目となる単独アジアツアーをアジア6ヶ所にて開催と、CDリリースやライブ面においてもその勢いは留まる事を知らない彼女 。5月11日に発売された「Scarlet Ballet」(TVアニメ『緋弾のアリア』のオープニングテーマ)では浅倉大介氏とのコラボレーションを果たし、前作「シンジテミル」から約7ヶ月ぶりにリリースされた本CDはオリコンウィークリ―チャート上位ランクインを果たす等、ノリにノっているMay'nさんの、「ANIMAX MUSIX 2011」への4度目の参加が決定!
今年11月23日(水・祝)に、前回同様横浜アリーナにて開催される「ANIMAX MUSIX 2011」へ、現在の心境を語っていただきました!

――「ANIMAX MUSIX 2011」に出演されることになった感想をお聞かせいただけますか。
一番初めの「ANIMAX MUSIX」に参加させていただいてから、今回は4度目ということで、また参加させていただけるという事を初めてお聞きした時はすごく嬉しかったのと同時に、「また「ANIMAX MUSIX 」の季節がやってきたな!」と思いました。ファンのみなさんにとっても、「「ANIMAX MUSIX 2011」の季節がやってきた!」って思っていただけるような、日本のアニメ関連イベントを代表するイベントになるように私も頑張っていきたいと思っています。

――今回で4回目の参加になるわけですが、May'nさんご自身にとって「ANIMAX MUSIX」はどんなイベントでしょうか。
「ANIMAX MUSIX」は色々な国で放送される番組なので、アニメ・アニメミュージックをここ日本から発信出来る、そんなイベントにしたいなと思っています。

――「ANIMAX MUSIX」に出られているという点で、世界のファンの方の反響と言うのをMay'nさんご自身が強く感じている、ということでしょうか。
私はライブがすごく好きなので、ライブの素晴らしさをお伝えしていきたいなと普段から思っているのですが、「ANIMAX MUSIX」で初めて私のことを見て知って下さった方たちが私のワンマンライブにも来て下さるようになりました。海外の方から「あ、「ANIMAX MUSIX」出るんだね」って言葉をかけていただいたりもするので、日本でも大きなイベントとなっておりますが、世界でも日本のアニメイベントとして認知されてきているのだなと感じています。



――「ANIMAX MUSIX」では、他のイベントではなかなか見られない、アニメソングカバーというコーナーが目玉の一つだと思いますが、そんなカバーコーナーについての感想を教えていただけますか?
いつも楽しんで歌わせていただいているので、本当に「ANIMAX MUSIX」ならではのコーナーだな、と思います。


まずひとつは、前回の「ANIMAX MUSIX FALL 2010」に出演させていただいた時に、「Lost my music」(TVアニメ『涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱』劇中歌)という曲をカバーさせていただいたのですが、私『涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱』がすごく好きなんです。本当によくカラオケ等で歌っている曲だったので、歌わせていただいてすっごく楽しかったです(笑)。
もう一つは、これも前回の「ANIMAX MUSIX FALL 2010」で歌わせていただいた曲なのですが、ORIGAさんとコラボさせていただいた「THE REAL FOLK BLUES」(『カウボーイ・ビバップ』エンディングテーマ)です。この曲は、普段の私の楽曲にはない、大人っぽい楽曲なので、最初にこの曲が決定したとお聞きした時には、「私にこんな格好良い、渋い曲が歌えるのかな...」と思ったのですが、先輩であるORIGAさんもすごく引っ張って下さって。この歌を歌わせていただいたことで、自分も新たなチャレンジをさせていただきました。

――ファンの方からのリクエストも反映された「THE REAL FOLK BLUES」が披露された際に、会場からは大きな歓声が上がっていました。その客席の熱気と言うのは「ANIMAX MUSIX」のステージ上に立っていても感じられましたか?

ファンのみなさんも最初は5月頃の開催だろうと思っていらしたと思うのですが、少し空いて11月の開催と言うことで、「やっと「ANIMAX MUSIX」に行ける!!」って思って下さっている方がたくさんいらっしゃると思うので、皆さんでテンションを爆発させて、一緒に楽しめればなと思っています。

――そんな「ANIMAX MUSIX」の楽しさを知っているMay'nさんから、今回初参加の茅原さんへ、アドバイスなどってありますか?



アニメミュージックを愛するすべての人へ向けたアニメの祭典「ANIMAX MUSIX 2011」は、11月23日(水・祝)横浜アリーナで開催!

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