
Was happened last year, companies bridal companies and education of Wuhan City, Hubei Province has specified a "constellation" One of the conditions adopted in China was discovered that antagonize a lot of people this is. At this time, China's net opinion is severe to the company jet. Such as the spate of criticism from experts provided comments to the media, "Corporate decide to adopt in the constellation of these" has become the state of the Scandic total, the company this time, have put the conditions adopted the constellation once again presence has become clear, controversial again. However, these cases are the tip of the iceberg, against the backdrop of college students have been rapidly increasing buyer's market, companies in addition to providing the conditions adopted constellation "impossible" is that the steadily increasing.

According to the information evening paper Wuhan China, it was found that has been provided a constellation of conditions specific to this adoption, sash company located in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. The company on March 4, but Advertise job vacancies on the site employment for students at the University of law government of Finance and Economy, Central South, there are not describing the conditions adopted by surprise and only "Virgo", the university officials and students was.

I was looking at only "Virgo" is the company designers have experience of window design and CAD. In addition to "Pisces is Taurus and Scorpio priority. Not, the Virgo" was also recruiting sales personnel and. However, this dissatisfaction erupted from many students. Was carried as a result be removed immediately.

In China in recent years, controversial cases to specify the conditions employed in companies constellation has been reported frequently, is becoming rare rather than longer. According to school officials there were asked their opinions to the media about of one of this, "urban" people for several years after employment "" married "" blood type "specific" whether or not drinking "in the jobs of recent is not married cases, such as "family register holder, adopt various conditions are provided in addition to the constellation is likely that a myriad.

Of course, these climate experts warned, but the companies seeking to self-examination, job seekers inevitably to "the mercy of companies", many Chinese college students now have fallen into difficulty finding employment It's kind of also represents the harsh reality of the position.



中国で昨年、湖北省武漢市の教育関連企業やブライダル関連企業が採用条件のひとつに“星座”を指定していることが発覚し、これが多くの人々の反感を買うと いう出来事があった。このとき、中国のネットでは企業への厳しい意見が噴出。メディアにコメントを寄せた有識者からも批判が相次ぐなど、「星座で採用を決 める」これらの企業は総スカンの状態となったが、このたび、またしても星座を採用条件に入れている企業の存在が明らかになり、再び物議を醸している。た だ、こうした事例は氷山の一角であり、大学生が急増している買手市場を背景に、星座以外にも“ありえない”採用条件を設ける企業は増加の一途をたどってい るという。

中国紙武漢晩報などによると、今回採用条件に特定の星座を設けていたことがわ かったのは、広東省広州市にあるサッシ会社。同社は3月4日、中南財政経済政法律大学の学生向け就職サイトに求人情報を掲載したが、そこには「おとめ座限 定」とする、学生や大学関係者を驚かせる採用条件を記していた。

同社が「おとめ座限定」で募集していたのはCADや窓のデザイン経 験があるデザイナー。ほかにも「うお座は不可。おうし座とさそり座、おとめ座を優先」とする営業職の募集もあった。しかし、これには多くの学生から不満が 噴出。結果としてすぐに削除される運びとなった。

中国では近年、企業が採用条件に星座を指定して物議を醸すケースがたびたび伝えら れており、もはや珍しいものではなくなりつつある。今回の一件についてメディアに意見を求められたある学校関係者によると、最近の求人では「飲酒の可否」 「特定の血液型」「既婚者」「就職後数年間は結婚しない人」「都市戸籍保持者」など、星座以外にもさまざまな採用条件を設けているケースが無数に存在して いるそうだ。


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