
■ people must see it is not possible to tired! Actually caused by eating too much?

How to complain of symptoms such as lack of energy always somehow not followed by the body, the remaining fatigue easily than before, to concentrate, or will I'm not even around your body? Recently began to be questioned three highs and obesity (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia), and metabolic syndrome, nutrition overdose cases, that a large modulation in the body ie Case Report by "eating too much" Many can be seen.

Must be firmly reexamine the quantity and quality of food as a solution, and heavily involved in recovery from fatigue. Your diet, do you how it looks to improve the fatigue strength?

■ Let us know the power to check the diet fatigue.

Instead of creating a meal over time, or eat out, once you have raised a convenience store side dishes and lunch boxes, you can easily finish with one's meal. However, such has continued to diet, it is lowered until the body's ability to recover from fatigue. Let us check your diet immediately.

• In reading this, often at night to eat the extra
-Without chewing too, prefer the soft
• As an alternative meal with only bread and sweets
-Prefer the meat and rice, vegetables and fruits that do not take too much
Good food and fast food take-instant
Well-drink canned coffee and juice
The amount of food is not kept in the stomach seven min after Zoletile injection
Shed one single item, often eating noodles, rice and other species
· Often buy lunch at a convenience store, there are many eating out
Seasoning-like things dark
· Compulsively eats a lot, eat until satiety
· Drink nearly every day
· To eliminate fatigue and stress by eating
System-like Chinese food than Japanese-Western

Did you apply some?

■ Diagnostics diet fatigue level of resilience you!

□ Check the number of 0-2: During the green light alert issued taboo signal
Let's maintain a good diet of 0 people this remains. People say 1 to 2 and from a small number of check, is taboo guard. Let's make an effort to change the check item.

□ 3 to 8 check: During the yellow signal warning signal issued
Is becoming a diet low fatigue strength. Persons who are balanced and self-awareness becomes difficult is tired, physical condition should change as soon as the review once the diet. Sleep quality is also improved if the power-up recovery from fatigue, and was greeted with a refreshing awakening refreshed, everyday life will be quite comfortable. Modifying the check item, let's review the diet, even one by one from today.

□ 9 to 14 Check: During the red danger signal issued
Fatigue strength has been considerably reduced. Aware that fatigue can not be taken out quite clearly should have. If this diet for long periods, can lead to ill lifestyle-related diseases. In order to power up the recovery from fatigue, let's improve the eating habits now.

So, we introduce how do I pay attention to what in everyday life. It can often be borne in mind, depending on, please practice immediately.

■ UP resilience fatigue! Improvement point of diet

□ vegetables are a strong ally of the fatigue strength level up
Vegetables are essential to recovery from fatigue. You can also get a sense of fullness in the low-calorie. Try to take conscious.

□ committed a second seven-minute belly, the body of tireless
Minutes after eating too much is certainly, will be reflected in the gastrointestinal tired tired, of the body. If you eat slowly while tasting, feeling of fullness can be obtained even if the amount is less.

□ daily high-calorie sweets
Easier calorie confectionery tired due to its high resilience level fatigue is low, and continue to take every day. Snacks in moderation.

□ meals late at night, careful course
If you sleep immediately take a meal, will be moving sleep with gastrointestinal, fatigue is not fit to take, easier to gain weight. When the meal late at night, I'll lightly.

□ stress eating is at the NG
And to eliminate fatigue and stress by eating, you will increasingly overdose. Let's resolve as a hobby or work up a sweat with a strength, can be refreshed.

□ take too much of the oil, the cause of the fatigue strength drops
Western and Chinese cuisine uses more oil than the Japanese. The viscosity of the blood is increased in order that becomes muddy state tends to be blood, resilience and fatigue resistance of the body is significantly reduced. Take too much attention to the oil.

□ sweet canned coffee and juice, soft drinks from which to accelerate the degree of fatigue
Canned coffee and juice is full of sweet carbohydrate. If you're drinking every day, muddy blood becomes high value, resilience will suffer extreme fatigue.

Aim to make high-level body fatigue resilience aware of the above points. Usually one of your consciousness, and healthy, it is highly resilient Umidaseru the body fatigue. Let's regain their youthful and lovely totally fine.


Candy Galaxy

■疲れが取れない人必見! 実は食べすぎが原因?

何となく体がいつもだるい、以前より疲労感が残りやすい、集中力が続かないといった症状を訴える方は、あなたの身の周りにもいるのではないで しょうか? 肥満や三高(高血糖・高脂血症・高血圧)、メタボリック症候群が問題視されるようになった昨今は、栄養過剰摂取、すなわち「食べすぎ」により 体に大きな変調をきたしているケースが多く見られます。






■あなたの疲労回復力レベル 食生活診断!

□チェック数 0~2:青信号 油断禁物信号発令中

□チェック数 3~8:黄信号 警告信号発令中
疲労回復力が低い食生活になりつつあります。疲れが取れにくくなったと自覚されている方は、食生活を一度見直すとすぐに体調が変わるはずです。 疲労回復力がアップすれば睡眠の質も改善され、スッキリさわやかな目覚めが迎えられたり、日常生活がかなり快適になります。チェック項目を改め、今日から 一つずつでも食生活を見直しましょう。

□チェック数 9~14:赤信号 危険信号発令中
疲労回復力がかなり低下しています。なかなか疲れがとれないという自覚がはっきり出ているはずです。 この食生活を長く続けていると、体調を崩して生活習慣病にもつながりかねません。疲労回復力をアップするために、今すぐ食生活を改善しましょう。


■疲労回復力UP! 食生活改善のポイント









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