
Turnbull rejected the defendant's appeal, two six-month trial two years in prison

Last year, former actor Manabu Oshio defendant was sentenced to two years and six months prison sentence in the trial judge (32) On appeal, the Tokyo High Court on August 18, in favor of a lower court decision, the defendant appeals Oshio Reject the ruling.
Turnbull accused the synthetic drug "MDMA" life as a woman's failure to drink together, and last September, received a prison sentence of two years and six months in prison and four abandoned their responsibility for the protection, they appealed to Or.
Oshio defendants on appeal, the abandonment of their responsibility for the protection and pleaded not guilty MDMA handed over to women for the crime, had sought a sentence of probation with. In contrast, the Tokyo High Court ruling in 18 days, in favor of a lower court decision dismissed the appeal of the defendant Oshio.
18 Oshio defendant has not appeared in court, officials said, ruling on the "wait for the results, " he said that.


去年、裁判員裁判で懲役2年6か月の実刑判決を言い渡された元俳優・押尾学被告(32)の控訴審で、東京高裁は18日、一審判決を支持し、押尾被告側の控 訴を退ける判決を言い渡した。
 押尾被告は、合成麻薬「MDMA」を一緒に飲んだ女性の救命を怠ったとして、去年9月、保護責任者遺棄など4つの罪で懲役2年6か月の実刑判決 を受け、控訴していた。
 控訴審で押尾被告側は、保護責任者遺棄とMDMAを女性に譲り渡した罪について無罪を主張し、執行猶予つきの判決を求めていた。これに対し、東 京高裁は18日の控訴審判決で、一審判決を支持し、押尾被告側の控訴を退けた。

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