
The effect of yoga on arrhythmias, also reduces risk by half-American Studies Depression

Reuters New Orleans 2] is widely known as yoga lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, we found that halving the risk of arrhythmia. American College of Cardiology (ACC) were announced at the annual meeting of the new research results.
This research is a type of arrhythmia often seen in older people, those first examined the effects of yoga on atrial fibrillation. As a result, the other half by the number of cases of atrial fibrillation yoga, revealed that also reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression associated with atrial fibrillation.
Associate Professor, University of Kansas Hospital, who led the study, Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy Ph.D. "Many of the current common treatment for atrial fibrillation (a large burden on the body) to be unwanted side effects of medications and invasive treatment From (indicated by the effect of yoga is) an important discovery, "he said.
And lower cost due to Dr Effectiveness of yoga incorporate yoga and other treatments as part of atrial fibrillation and other arrhythmias, the results of this study support the need for further investigation of the patient said so far continue to continue treatment.
In the present study is performed in 49 patients with cardiac arrhythmias not intended for people who experience physical limitations without yoga, was measured after six months the number of arrhythmia research group at the hospital. Patients performed the first three months of their favorite exercise, participated in the last three months, three times a week 45-minute yoga programs under the guidance of professional, recommended by yoga at home.
On the other hand the number of arrhythmias recorded throughout experiments monitor the patient anxiety and depression, said in a short survey on the overall quality of life.
As a result, on average, to half the number of arrhythmias, it was also significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression.


[ニューオーリンズ 2日 ロイター] 血圧やコレステロールを下げるとして広く知られているヨガが、不整脈のリスクを半減させることが分かった。 米国心臓病学会(ACC)の年次会合で新たな研究結果が発表された。
 今回の研究は、高齢者に多く見られる不整脈の一種、心房細動に対するヨガの効果を初めて調べたもの。その結果、ヨガにより心房細動の件数 が半減したほか、心房細動に関連する不安やうつの症状も軽減したことが明らかになった。

 研究を指揮したカンザス大学病院の准教授、Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy博士は「心房細動に対する現在の一般的な治療の多くが(体に負担の大きい)侵襲性治療や望まぬ副作用のある薬物治療であることか ら、(ヨガの効果が示されたことは)重要な発見だ」と述べた。

 博士はヨガのもたらす効果や低いコストを理由に、心房細動やほかの不整脈の治療の一環としてヨガを取り入れるべきとする一方、今回の研究 結果を裏付けるには一段の調査が必要とし、患者は引き続きこれまでの治療を続けるべきと述べた。

 今回の研究では、身体的制約がなくヨガの経験もない不整脈患者49人を対象に行われ、病院の調査グループが不整脈の件数を半年後に測定し た。患者は最初の3カ月間は自分の好きな運動を行い、後半3カ月はプロの指導の下で45分間のヨガプログラムに週3回参加し、自宅でのヨガも推奨された。



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