
Philippines, Philippines and China volatile "friend count on the United States and Japan"

China and the Philippines and the Spratly Islands (Spratly Islands) has been escalating over territorial disputes, and threatened action against them both, has fallen from an inspired state. Voice of America (VOA) reported on Chinese sites.
05 The Philippine government filed a protest to the UN document. China, 2009, a document submitted to the UN claimed the entire South China Sea including the Spratly Islands, which has asserted that there is no basis under international law. South China Sea near the Spratly Islands and the attitude is the attitude that it necessarily match disturb the Philippine territory.
President Aquino was yesterday, "when the threat to security and sovereignty of our country, a reliable friend than the United States and Japan did not," the appeal that both countries want to protect against threats from China over territorial disputes was. The 27th joint military exercise conducted by U.S. forces and the Armed Forces of the Philippines on July 15 became the largest-ever joint military exercise field. The Philippine government for naval buildup near shore waters of the Spratly Islands, was introduced to add approximately 284 million U.S. dollars.
China is also losing out to hit back. Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 7 in the Spratly Islands are claimed to be a strong attitude territory, China has denied allegations squarely in the Philippines. 14 days must submit a document to the UN, China and the Philippines since the 1970s, that the accused claimed that the Spratly Islands continues to invade the territory of China "can not accept any claim of the Philippines" showed a strong stand this.
Chinese naval armada has recently stepped up combat training, has jurisdiction over the Spratly Islands in particular South China Sea Fleet destroyer squad conducted a comprehensive offensive and defensive surface combatant training. Also, many Feeding into the South China Sea fisheries patrol boat, which strongly appeal to sovereignty. China's first aircraft carrier "Varyagu (Yoshi Tadasu tile)" After the flight tests conducted this summer issue, the South China Sea Fleet There are rumors that they are assigned.
South China Sea territorial dispute issue also shows the trend of globalization. In addition to China and the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, to the Spratly Islands are claimed by Taiwan.



中国とフィリピンとの南沙諸島(スプラトリー諸島)をめぐる領土紛争がエスカ レートしており、双方ともに対抗措置をちらつかせ、一発触発状態に陥っている。ボイス・オブ・アメリカ(VOA)中国語サイトが伝えた。

フィリピン政府は5日、国連に抗議文書を提出した。中国は2009年、南沙諸島を含む南シナ海全域の領有権を主張する文書を国連に提出したが、これは国際 法上の根拠が無いものだと主張している。南沙諸島や周辺の南シナ海はフィリピン固有の領土だという態度をあくまでも崩さない姿勢だ。

アキノ大統領は9日、「わが国の安全と主権が脅かされた時、米国と日本以上に頼りになる友はいない」と、領土紛争問題上の中国から脅威から日米両国が守っ てほしいとアピールした。フィリピン国軍と米軍が15日に実施した第27回合同軍事演習は、過去最大規模の野戦合同演習となった。また、フィリピン政府は 南沙諸島周辺海域の陸・海軍力増強に向け、約1億8400万ドルを追加投入した。

中国側も負けずに反撃に出た。外交部は7日、南沙諸島は中国固有の領土であると強硬な態度で主張、フィリピン側の主張を真っ向から否定した。14日には中 国も国連に文書を提出、フィリピンが1970年代以降、中国の領土である南沙諸島に侵入を続け領有権を主張していることを非難し「フィリピンの主張は一切 受け入れられない」と強い態度を示した。

中国海軍の各大艦隊は最近、実戦訓練を強化してお り、特に南沙諸島を管轄している
漁業監視船を南シナ海に送り込み、主権を強くアピールしている。中 国初の空母

南シナ海領土主権論争問題は国際化の傾向も示している。中国・フィリピン以外に も、

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