
[Canberra   14-day   Reuters] By the investigation which investigated the high city of living expenses, Zurich in Switzerland stopped Tokyo and ranked 1st.
English economic magazine economist's investigation section economist intelligence unit (EIU) migrated to 130 cities in the world, and investigated 400 or more prices, such as food, garments, and a house rent.
According to this investigation, the jump of the Swiss franc influenced and Zurich surfaced at the top from the 5th place last year -- the investor who is apprehensive about the Europe debt crisis moves funds to a Swiss franc safer from Euro.
Geneva was the 3rd place.
In Australia, five cities are the top 20 entering.
Sydney and Melbourne were the 7th place and the 8th place, respectively.
Mr. John Koepp Stig who took charge of investigation said by the declaration, "It is an exchange rate that has influenced the living expenses of Australia most, and the Australian dollar went up twice in opposite U.S. dollar in the past ten years."
The rank in of Vancouver in Canada was carried out to the 37th place, and it became a city in which living expenses start most in North America.
The 42nd place that Los Angeles is the highest in the U.S. and is located in a line with Shanghai.
New York was the 47th place.
In Asia, Singapore was ranked higher to the 9th place, and the South Korean soul was ranked higher to the 27th place.


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[キャンベラ 14日 ロイター] 生活費の高い都市を調べた調査で、スイスのチューリヒが、東京を抑えて1位になった。英経済誌エコノミストの調 査部門エコノミスト・インテリジェンス・ユニット(EIU)が、世界の130都市にわたり、食料や衣料、家賃など400以上の価格を調べた。





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