
Mr. Ryo was impressed by the song of Yuzu Golf devoted declared this year

The popular duo Yuzu 17 players and professional golfers Ishikawa, Japanese Red Cross was out of the capital campaign "donation of twenty, " attended a press conference souvenir.
Was appointed as the campaign song new song "Hey wa" and debuted the citron, the players Ishikawa, "says Citron or are watching the people around the world, there are many songs to cherish, " over the course and I was interested, "It was really awesome to hear this close" was impressed with

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キャンペーンソングに起用されたのは新曲「Hey 和」をゆずが初披露すると、石川選手は「ゆずさんは世界中の人たちを見ていたり、大切にするような楽曲がたくさんある」とかねてより関心を寄せていたといい、「こんな近くで聴けて本当に最高でした」と感動していた

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