The first response to
nuclear accidents Hukuzima TEPCO, Tokyo, 15 days, was detected 20 times
the normal amount of radiation, radioactive material was detected, such
as iodine and cesium. The risk of exposure were
forced to close, especially the Internet, "If you take and mouthwash,
can be prevented from radioactive contamination," also found that the
false rumors floating around. To reduce the health
damage caused by exposure to the "iodine stability" that is prescribed,
cally iodine, such as mouthwash, "antidote" in vain that a replacement
drug, Meiji Seika Kaisha to launch and Isodine the "Please never stop
because it is dangerous" and that reminder.
◇ ◇
20 times the usual 10 am
in Shinjuku, Tokyo and 0.8 micro record numbers of radiation belts,
Kanagawa, is found in higher radiation doses than usual in the
metropolitan area including Saitama, information is spread ridiculous
Gase or.
If the iodine taken into
the body contained radioactive material, the oral medicine "iodine
stability" is prescribed. Iodine to be included as
well, such as mouthwash humming tincture of iodine, at multiple sites,
the "antidote" as an alternative to "Mouthwash Isojinu" sprays "throat"
(Meiji Seika both) how to drink a "proposal" is.
But this is a hoax at
all. Radiological Sciences and
Ministry of Health has already "Please note the full stop unfounded
information" and that the document presented. The reason (1) of
commercially available products such as mouthwash in oral medicine is
not (2) contains many ingredients other than iodine, which also contains
substances that can adversely harmful effects to the body, has said. Moreover, even drunk, low
iodine content, it has no effect.
To have Seika Isodine to
launch more than 60 inquiries, has warned.
Lovely Idol Chie yahoo
black but "What is truth?" Was asked the question, the answer "I drank,
nausea and diarrhea was terrible. I never drink more," and users say, it
seems really dangerous .
In Japan, the Russian Far
East near the sharp rise in sales of iodine to prevent harm to the
thyroid radioactive material, even after another pharmacy that sold out.
Vladivostok pharmacy "was
20 times the normal sales of iodine tablets." President of a company
that sells local radiation instrument is "on both days 14 and 15 of the
27 units sold. Usually about one to two a week," revealed the first time
to panic.
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い薬などにも含まれるため、複数のサイトでは、“解毒”の代替品として「イソジン うがい薬」「のどスプレー」(ともに明治製菓)を飲む方法が“提案”さ
しかし、これはまったくのデマ。厚生労働省や放射線医学総合研究所はすでに「根拠のない情報に注意 絶対やめてください」と