
separating government power generation and transmission, a leading integrated study

Toukyoudenryoku related to public support for nuclear power accident in the first serious Fukushima separating the power sector and power sector in the government TEPCO, and power companies plan to integrate the process with other major power sector 04 that have emerged, according to sources. TEPCO damages is expected to leak radioactive material in a massive nuclear accident in Fukushima. The government compensation for completeness and to the evacuation of residents near nuclear power plants in order to stabilize power supply, the policy under control investor in TEPCO. But "the only public funds to bail out a serious accident TEPCO is not to convince the public" (government official), and sees, the proposed separation process emerged.
Would give power companies for integration into other separation and TEPCO, could lead to post-war reorganization of the power to have a virtual monopoly electricity transmission business from the 10 largest regional power generation by power.
Among the 10 companies, TEPCO commanding lead in the presence of about 5 trillion yen in sales Kansaidenryoku twice, interest-bearing debt of about 7.5 trillion yen at the end of last year. The damages paid by the insolvent is expected to amount to several trillion yen in the process and ensure Fukushima nuclear power plant, TEPCO government to prevent the collapse, under control policy to consolidate the public temporarily funded The.
However, prolonged administration of the public to avoid the idea that we study the final treatment plan. That relief in public funds the government is also expected public backlash, the government "(the final treatment after breaking away public management is) of which survived without signs of TEPCO difficult" (muscle residence), the view of inclined to.
In addition, other power companies to integrate the whole has been pointed out too large in scale. Therefore, the government has to separate departments and transmission power sector "separation electric ships" crossing, and will be merged with the Electric Power sector transmission power "East" and plan to and will be integrated with Kansaidenryoku No. 2, promoting the unity of different power frequency east and west have been discussed and proposed to build a system linking long-term stable supply of electricity. [Misawa Kouhei;
[Word] sending electrical isolation
The electricity business and power companies do consistently TEPCO "power" and "transmission" separated by function, such as having carried out different businesses. Power companies pay royalties to the company's transmission power grid, supplying electricity to homes and businesses. If realized, the power grid and to use fair terms to the power generation business also newcomers such as steel companies, the activation of electricity market competition. Pointed out that lead to the promotion of renewable energy such as solar electricity rates and lower prices.


福島第1原発で深刻な事故を起こした東京電力への公的支援に関連し、政府内で東電を発電部門と送電部門に分離し、送電部門を他の大手電力会社などに 統合する処理案が浮上していることが4日、明らかになった。東電は福島原発事故の放射性物質の漏えいで巨額の損害賠償が見込まれる。政府は原発周辺の避難 住民らへの賠償に万全を期すとともに、電力供給の安定を図るため、東電に出資して管理下に置く方針。しかし「深刻な事故を起こした東電を公的資金で救済す るだけでは、国民の理解が得られない」(政府筋)と見ており、分離処理案が浮上した。
 東電の分離と他の電力会社への統合が実現すれば、電力大手10社が地域ごとに発電から送電まで電力事業を事実上独占する戦後の電力体制の 再編につながる可能性がある。

 10社の中でも、東電は売上高が関西電力の約2倍の約5兆円と断トツの存在で、昨年末時点で約7兆5000億円の有利子負債を抱える。福 島原発の処理や数兆円にのぼると見込まれる損害賠償負担で経営が悪化するのは確実で、政府は東電破綻を防ぐため、出資して一時的に公的管理下に置く方針を 固めている。

 ただ、公的管理の長期化は避けたい考えで、最終処理策の検討も進めている。政府が公的資金で救済することには国民の反発も予想され、政府 は「(公的管理脱却後の最終処理では)東電の看板のまま存続させるのは難しい」(官邸筋)との見方に傾いている。

 また、丸ごと他の電力会社に統合するには規模が大き過ぎるとの指摘もある。このため、政府内では発電部門と送電部門を分離する「発送電分 離」に踏み切り、送電部門を東北電力と合併させて「東日本電力」とする案や、ナンバー2の関西電力と統合させて、東西で異なる電力の周波数の統一を進め、 長期的な電力の安定供給体制の構築につなげる案などが議論されている。【三沢耕平】


 東電など電力会社が一貫して行う電力事業を「発電」と「送電」などの機能別に分離し、それぞれ別の事業者に行わせること。発電会社は送電 会社に送電線網の使用料を払い、家庭や企業に電力を供給する。実現すれば、鉄鋼会社など発電事業への新規参入組も公平な条件で送電線網が使えるようにな り、電力市場の競争が活発化。電気料金の値下げや太陽光発電など再生可能エネルギーの普及促進につながると指摘される。

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