
Public Transportation Safety bereaved families ask the accident six years

107 people were killed, Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, were injured from 562 JR Fukuchiyama derailment was 6 years and 25 days. Accident site and memorial memorial ceremony organized at the venue JR West said the safety of public transport and wished requiem bereaved families of the victims reached a seven 回忌.
Was accused of professional negligence Yamasaki Masao former president of JR West's trial in December last year, starting with Kobe District Court, trial has progressed over the safety of the railway. Disclosure of the accident investigation report problems, the participants were validated with an accident victim. However this year, JR West scandal after another well. Conductor (then) found out and draining parts of vehicle safety devices, rear-end collisions between vehicles is maintained in the tunnel of the Sanyo Shinkansen, a derailment accident happened.
Memorial memorial ceremony begins at the city's Cultural Center at 9:00 am, family members and wounded, JR officials attended in 1205. Everyone was silent for minutes at 18:09 am accident.
Takayuki Sasaki, president of JR West, "and causing a scandal that can impair the safety of the train recently, dreadfully sorry" and apologized. The earthquake touched East "aims to tackle railway accident or disaster-resilient," he said. Deputy Transport Minister Ikeguti Syuuzi is "without weather accidents, safety measures to tackle public transport in full force," he said. Yoko's daughter on behalf of the survivors (21 years old at the time) died Okumura Tsuneo's (63) = = Sanda, Hyogo Prefecture, the appeal to prevent a recurrence of the accident.
In addition to former President Yamasaki, Nanya Shiyouzirou force was charged, also attended by former president of both Kakiuti Takeshi. Ide Akira Takashi Hazime president was indicted force was absent this year as well.


 107人が死亡、562人が負傷した兵庫県尼崎市のJR福知山線脱線事故から、25日で6年となった。事故現場やJR西日本主催の追悼慰霊式会場 では、七回忌を迎えた遺族らが犠牲者の鎮魂や公共交通の安全を願った。

 業務上過失致死傷罪に問われたJR西の山崎正夫前社長の公判は昨年12月、神戸地裁で始まり、鉄道の安全性を巡る審理が進んでいる。事故 調査報告書の漏えい問題では、事故被害者が参加して検証が行われた。一方でこの1年、JR西の不祥事も相次いだ。車掌(当時)による車両の安全装置の部品 の抜き取りが発覚したり、山陽新幹線のトンネルで保守用車両同士が追突、脱線する事故も起きた。

 追悼慰霊式は同日午前9時過ぎから同市総合文化センターで始まり、遺族や負傷者、JR関係者ら1205人が参列。事故が起きた午前9時 18分に全員で黙とうした。

 JR西の佐々木隆之社長は「最近も列車の安全を損なうような不祥事を発生させており、誠に申し訳ない」と謝罪。東日本大震災にも触れ「事 故や災害に強い鉄道を目指して取り組んでいく」と述べた。池口修次副国土交通相は「事故を風化させることなく、全力を挙げて公共交通の安全対策に取り組ん でいく」と語った。遺族を代表して長女の容子さん(当時21歳)を亡くした奥村恒夫さん(63)=兵庫県三田市=は、事故の再発防止を訴えた。


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