
JYJ unit was formed still the most popular deep-rooted in Japan, TVXQ Jaejoong was withdrawn from, Yoochun, Junsu is. However, six days this month, exposes the voice of the Korean entertainment gossip site that are evidence of assault, verbal abuse against three fans, was called a ripple.

For this problem, the apology is made to members (local time) 8. Thus, they were supposed to be admitted the facts of the assault and verbal abuse against an official fan.

Voice "was leaked, it that the person you assault peppered with verbal abuse they are. Stuff that was recorded around July 2009, three people withdrew from TVXQ, in the sense of Johnny" as Oriki " I come chasing after thoroughly until the private audio file was published fan. radical called "raw I (dashed line) fan" and is the voice of Jaejoong is about 10 minutes the longest, Junsu and Yoochun was about 10 seconds each other "(official record company)

According to media reports, South Korea, Jaejoong is the "I'm for you guys? Why do not you have to live like this" you guys "is" will not care or of taking the stress from me "?" What a fan really "been chasing wherever you go, live or criminal on the run ...... I (I)" peppered with people and fans next to the cries of woe, such as dangerous, such as sound and hit someone, woman groan of has been recorded.

In contrast JYJ on August 8, told reporters in Chile where performances, did not deny that there was a "real" audio file was leaked, "Understanding our past behavior is not correct I want to apologize" ( Jaejoong announcement and comments). At the same time, we said that the cut has been damaged or how is their own.

However, on the Internet is "violence is not justified for any reason" fan does not respect the privacy of the "Star is intense debate of the pros and cons, such as" a problem has unfolded, turmoil is the clouds do not fit for a while.

Three people had been disadvantaged in the job in Korea for a while in the problem withdrawal from Dong Bang Shin Ki ", of more than a year ago. 2 This disturbance Just when recently, it has also increased work gradually, popularity had recovered including the circumstances of the spill. that seems to only became clear by now become the "assaults", Dari jealous of the popularity of JYJ, and was leaked intentionally stakeholders that a dispute over the rights, members likely to start "(official entertainment of living in Korea) is offensive media coverage when he returned home

Of this scandal is not resolved, the realization of big projects are planned under the surface he is likely to derail it.

Although very popular, each of Dong Bang Shin Ki ", and JYJ, the momentum of TVXQ time were five members still are not, at the counter of Japan of TVXQ. That efforts aiming at a reunion in five of the year participants, JYJ because they received a heavy blow on the decline intense CD sales from Koda Kumi and Ayumi Hamasaki even if the Avex has stopped Management in Japan because of the "past" black president of the office, was once a popular If reunited five TVXQ likely. but to sign artists at once, you're with scandal surfaced like this reunion would be quite severe "(official Music)

Sure enough, the stage of Japan Sun TVXQ five again What will come?





「流 出した音声は、3人が東方神起から離脱した2009年7月ごろに録音されたという代物。彼らが暴言を浴びせて暴行した相手というのは、ジャニーズ事務所で いうところの"オリキ"のような、プライベートまで徹底的に追いかけてくる『私生(サセン)ファン』と呼ばれる過激なファン。公開された音声ファイルは、 ジェジュンの声が最も長く約10分、ユチョンとジュンスはそれぞれ10秒ほどだった」(レコード会社関係者)

韓国メディアの報道による と、ジェジュンは「俺はこんな生活をしなければいけないのか? お前らのために」「お前たちは本当にファンなのか?」「俺らがストレスを受けるのとかお構 いなしだろ」「どこへ行っても追っかけられて、逃げ回って生きて......(俺は)犯罪者かよ」などの悲痛な叫びを次々とファン浴びせ、誰かを殴るよう な物騒な音や、女性のうめき声が録音されていた。

これに対しJYJは8日、公演先の南米チリで報道陣に対し、流出した音声ファイルが" 本物"であったことを否定せず、「過去の私たちの正しくない行動については謝罪したい」(ジェジュン)とのコメントを発表。同時に、自分たちがいかに被害 を受けてきたかを切々と語ったという。


「東 方神起からの離脱問題で3人はしばらく韓国国内の仕事でも不利益を被っていたが、最近、徐々に仕事も増えてきて、人気が回復していた矢先にこの騒動。2年 以上前の"暴行事件"が今ごろになって明らかになっただけに、JYJの人気をねたんだり、利権をめぐって揉めている関係者が意図的にリークしたと思われ る。流出の経緯も含め、メンバーたちが帰国したらメディアの取材攻勢が始まりそう」(韓国在住の芸能関係者)


「東 方神起、JYJとそれぞれ人気だが、やはりメンバー5人だったころの東方神起の勢いはなく、関係者が年内の5人での再結成を目指して奔走している。東方神 起の日本の窓口で、JYJを事務所社長の"黒い過去"を理由に日本でのマネジメントを停止したエイベックスにしても、かつては人気だった浜崎あゆみや倖田 來未らのCDセールスの激しい落ち込みで大打撃を受けているため、東方神起が5人で再結成すれば一気に看板アーティストになりそう。しかし、今回のような スキャンダルが浮上したからには再結成はかなり厳しいだろう」(音楽関係者)


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